GrapeCity Documents for Excel, Java Edition
GrapeCity introduces Documents for Excel (GcExcel) Java Edition, a high-speed, feature-rich Excel document API based on VSTO that can help developers work with spreadsheets in Java applications. The library helps to generate, convert to pdf, calculate, format, and parse spreadsheets in any application. You can work with a variety of features like importing spreadsheets, calculate data, query, generate, and export any spreadsheet, add sorting, filtering, formatting, conditional formatting and data validation, grouping, sparklines, charts, shapes, pictures, slicers, comments, hyperlinks, themes etc. In addition, you can import existing Excel templates, add data and save the spreadsheets back. You can also use GcExcel together with Spread.Sheets, another GrapeCity Spread product that is included in GrapeCity SpreadJS. GcExcel can also import and export Excel template files on the server side. Spread.Sheets works in the browser (client side) as a viewer or editor.
With GcExcel, you can also load, edit, analyse, convert and save spreadsheets in Java applications with full support on Windows, MAC and Linux.
This repository contains source project of Examples and Showcases of GcExcel to help you learn and write your own applications.
Directory | Description |
gcexcel | Contains the latest GcExcel jar package and its dependency packages |
Examples.Library | A collection of Java examples that help you learn and explore the API features |
SpringBootDemo/SpringBoot+React | A source project that demonstrates how to use GcExcel Java with SpringBoot + React + Spread.Sheets |
SpringBootDemo/SpringBoot+Angular2 | A source project that demonstrates how to use GcExcel with SpringBoot + Angular2 + Spread.Sheets |
GrapeCity Documents for Excel(Java) 是葡萄城推出的一款文档 API 组件,适用于所有 Java 6.0 及以上标准的平台,以编码的方式,无需 Microsoft Excel 依赖 ,即可快速批量操作 Excel 文件,通过与纯前端表格控件 SpreadJS 结合使用,可同时在 Web 端实现 Excel 类数据展示、Excel 功能和布局样式,以及后端 Excel 导入导出等业务场景,使您开发的应用程序具备快速创建、加载、编辑、导入/导出大型 Excel 文档的功能模块。
超快速、低占用率、更轻量,使用 GrapeCity Documents 可极大节省应用程序在生成、加载、编辑和保存大型文档时所占用的内存和时间,帮助企业以更高效的方式处理各种文档,实现更多定制化选项。
本仓库包含GcExcel Java的示例工程,以帮助您学习和编写自己的应用程序。
目录 | 描述 |
gcexcel | 包含最新的GcExcel以及所有依赖的jar包 |
Examples.Library | 示例源码工程,帮助您学习和使用GcExcel Java的每一个API |
SpringBootDemo/SpringBoot+React | 演示如何在Spring Boot中使用GcExcel Java的源码工程,前端使用React+SpreadJS展示 |
SpringBootDemo/SpringBoot+Angular2 | 演示如何在Spring Boot中使用GcExcel Java的源码工程,前端使用Angular2+SpreadJS展示 |
Release Notes
- Column width is not correct when workbook is exported to JSON.(DOCXLS-2497)
- NullReference exception is thrown while adding row in Table.(DOCXLS-2504)
- Background color of some cells is incorrect when rows are deleted on a sheet with background color set in cells.(DOCXLS-2530)
- Text is not correctly separated on a specific line when loading tab-delimited text to workbook.(DOCXLS-2559)
- Culture property of the Workbook does not respect the value of the cell when opening the CSV file.(DOCXLS-2566)
- NumberFormat exception is thrown when importing ssjson that contains specific conditional formats.(DOCXLS-2575)
- BlackAndWhite setting does not work for picture fill.(DOCXLS-2593)
- Rannge of the Formula is updating incorrectly when inserting row in the sheet.(DOCXLS-2595)
- The margin values in exported Excel file are slightly different with the values in ssjson.(DOCXLS-2598)
- InvalidOperationException occurs when calling Calculate method in the excel containing COUNTIFS function.(DOCXLS-2609)
- It takes a long time to set values in a loop.(DOCXLS-2610)
- Workbook.TagJsonSerializer is null when used.(DOCXLS-2606)
- processTemplate() takes a long time to execute.(DOCXLS-2526)
- Exception is thrown when loading Excel file which contains huge amount of inline strings.(DOCXLS-2480)
- The data labels are not plotted correctly when exporting Radar chart to PDF.(DOCXLS-2516)
- It will take a very long time to process template when there are thousands of data records.(DOCXLS-2526)
- Exception is thrown when exporting to PDF.(DOCXLS-2541)
- The calculated result of CountIfs function is wrong.(DOCXLS-2549)
- Error occurs when adding new row in a table.(DOCXLS-2366)
- Cell formatted text is wrong when the number format is "@".(DOCXLS-2406)
- Error occurs after calling Workbook.calculate().(DOCXLS-2430)
- Cell font color is not correct when some kind of number formatter is applied.(DOCXLS-2432)
- Cell background in the exported pdf is black even though it is "lightgray" in json.(DOCXLS-2438)
- Error occurs when from json.(DOCXLS-2440)
- Cell rich text is rendered wrong in the exported pdf when the cell is a combo cell type.(DOCXLS-2443)
- Top alignment is changed to bottom in SpreadJS after loading json from GcExcel .(DOCXLS-2469)
- Error occurs when importing Excel file with a lot of inline strings.(DOCXLS-2473)
- The saved Excel is corrupted when creating a Pivot table with SubTotalType.None.(DOCXLS-2470)
- Depends on the latest PDFBox library-2.0.19
- Exception is thrown when cutting tables.(DOCXLS-2288)
- The line style in exported pdf is not same as it is in Excel.(DOCXLS-2297)
- The default date format is not changed by culture.(DOCXLS-2318)
- Exception occurs when copying a sheet from another workbook and saving the workbook.(DOCXLS-2334)
- There are unexpected lines on top of cell in the exported pdf.(DOCXLS-2339)
- The saved Excel file is corrupted.(DOCXLS-2345)
- Some values in the exported Excel file are incorrect.(DOCXLS-2352)
- It takes a long time to open an Excel with a lot of inline strings.(DOCXLS-2353)
- The plot area's boundary is incorrect in the exported pdf.(DOCXLS-2356)
- ToJson would take a very long time.(DOCXLS-2364)
- The content is incorrect in the exported pdf.(DOCXLS-2365)
- Font files will be kept opening event after saving pdf.(DOCXLS-2372)
- RepeatSetting doesn't work if there is only one row on the last page.(DOCXLS-2376])
- Picture is not clear after exporting to PDF.(DOCXLS-2384)
- Column width changes in the exported Excel.(DOCXLS-2385)
- The calculated result is incorrect.(DOCXLS-2387)
- Exception is thrown during from json.(DOCXLS-2390)
- General formatter is used when invalid number format was found during getting cell text, previous behavior is throwing exception.
- Certain cell border lines do not render correctly when exporting to PDF.(DOCXLS-713)
- The order of legend for chart in exported pdf is incorrect if legend across lines.(DOCXLS-1579)
- Issue occurs when inserting new row to an existing table.(DOCXLS-1936)
- Cell Formatter change after saveJson. (DOCXLS-2013)
- In Excel, the horizontal break line will be ignored when set the exporting height fit to 1 page(s).(DOCXLS-2097)
- IRange.Copy() cannot copy pictures sometimes.(DOCXLS-2153)
- Save Excel containing Chart shows different output.(DOCXLS-2155)
- The color of DataSeries of Chart is incorrect in exported pdf.(DOCXLS-2160)
- Name is lost after cutting table.(DOCXLS-2169)
- Stack overflow occus after cutting table.(DOCXLS-2170)
- Data validation is lost after sheet json.(DOCXLS-2175)
- Sometimes, the print area does not work.(DOCXLS-2176)
- Error occurs when fromJSON. (DOCXLS-2182)
- BackgroundPicture don't update after reset width and height if use Tile in BackgroundImageLayout. (DOCXLS-2186)
- After export PDF, a minus number is not red when use format like "0.00_;[Red]-0.00". (DOCXLS-2188)
- Picture don't update after reset width and height afert export PDF.(DOCXLS-2208)
- Formula does not change after inserting row or binding data.(DOCXLS-2220)
- The row becomes hidden after inserting row and save to json. (DOCXLS-2222)
- Error occurs during fromJSON. (DOCXLS-2227)
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception occurs when cutting table.(DOCXLS-2235)
- Picture don't update after duplicating operation. (DOCXLS-2241)
- Copying a sheet containing a chart to another workbook corrupts the book.(DOCXLS-2247)
- Calculation result is incorrect if different reference methods are used together in SUBTOTAL function.(DOCXLS-2257)
- After export to PDF, some text can not display completely.(DOCXLS-2258)
- Error occurs after opening Excel file saved by GcExcel.(DOCXLS-2261)
- Error occurs during from json.(DOCXLS-2262)
- Formulas is incorrectly marked as array formulas.(DOCXLS-2266)
- Data is lost after importting an Excel. (DOCXLS-2268)
- After enable PageSetup.BestFitRows, there maybe exception when save to PDF.(DOCXLS-2291)
- After enable PageSetup.BestFitRows, the exported PDF is strange.(DOCXLS-2292)
- Exception is thrown during saving to PDF when you set gradient color fill in background picture.(DOCXLS-2293)
- Background picture's gradient fill is not correct in exported PDF file.(DOCXLS-2296)
- The cell value is incorrect in the exported PDF.(DOCXLS-2303)
- Hidden row becomes visible after save JSON.(DOCXLS-2308)
- Chart markers are not drawn correctly in exported PDF.(DOCXLS-2309)
- Incorrect calculation for CountIF formula.(DOCXLS-2310)
- There is an exception When exportting PDF.(DOCXLS-2314)
- ComboBox CellType throw errors when fromJSON.(DOCXLS-2315)
- BackgroundPicture's gradient fill is not right after export PDF.(DOCXLS-2316)
- Cell vertical alignment is changed after from JSON.(DOCXLS-2331)
- Error occurs during from JSON. (DOCXLS-2337)
- The large currency number is wrong in the exported PDF.(DOCXLS-2338)
- Error occurs when importing JSON with chart.(DOCXLS-2342)
- Support for charts/images/conditional formatting in Templates.
- Support exporting formulas in Templates.
- Support global settings in Templates.
- Support converting Excel objects(chart/shape) to image formats.
- Support password protected workbook and worksheet.
- Support adding Error Bars in Chart.
- Support text angle of chart title/axis tick label/data label.
- Support alignment of Shape's TextFrame.
- Add image to specific range.
- Support Gradient Fill Type enum in Shapes.
- Support creating chart/shape/pictures with a custom name.
- Enhanced Background image support for printing to PDF.
- Get pagination info for printing to PDF.
- Support Transparent Cell Background color in PDF.
- Support worksheet JSON I/O.
- Support Outline column to display hierarchical data in saved PDF.
- Support data binding of Range, Table and Worksheet.
- Return errors from JSON Import in GcExcel.
- Filtered data cannot be re-displayed after JSON(made by SJS) I/O in GcExcel.(DOCXLS-1646)
- Exception occurs on loading specific ssjson.(DOCXLS-2158)
- Exception may occur on exporting certain Excel sheets with charts to PDF (DOCXLS-2094)
- Hiding fixed columns and rows causes incorrect display in Excel file.(DOCXLS-2020)
- Pagination is inconsistent with SpreadJS when the form is exported to PDF.(DOCXLS-2159)
- JSON file size is bigger when converted using GcExcel vs Online designer tool.(DOCXLS-1905)
- The Value property value of the ComboBox cell is lost after JSON I/O.(DOCXLS-2029)
- NullPointerException may occur on loading certain Excel file and saving it. (DOCXLS-2041)
- Conditional formatting is lost if the rule references another sheet.(DOCXLS-2093)
Bugs Fixed
- Exception is thrown when importing ssjson with certain group settings.(DOCXLS-1998)
- Exception is thrown when importing ssjson with some null values.(DOCXLS-1959)
- Digital signature is lost when an Excel file is modified and saved through GcExcel.(DOCXLS-1988)
- Memory leak occurs when using GcExcel in multiple threads.(DOCXLS-1950)
- Group can not be expanded in SpreadJS after loading ssjson from GcExcel.(DOCXLS-1870)
- Rich text can not be rendered correctly in the exported pdf.(DOCXLS-1906)
- The return value of IRange.HasFomula is wong.(DOCXLS-1940)
Bugs Fixed
- Exception is thrown when importing xlsx file with certain conditional formatting.(DOCXLS-1844)
- Hyperlink included in ssjson, does not display when exported to PDF. (DOCXLS-1858)
- The column formula is not expanded after adding new rows in Table.(DOCXLS-1865)
- Exception is thrown when importing ssjson with data validations.(DOCXLS-1860)
- When the tag of the copied sheet is changed, the tag of the copy source is also changed.(DOCXLS-1862)
- Exception is thrown when importing ssjson with grouping.(DOCXLS-1882)
- Extra Border is drawn around an image in the header, when xlsx is printed.
- Text styles are lost after copying worksheet and exporting to PDF.(DOCXLS-1814)
- Formulas do not work in generated xlsx file from JSON.(DOCXLS-1847)
- Unable to import specific xlsx file in GcExcel.(DOCXLS-1848)
- Placement.MoveAndSize does not work after exporting to PDF.(DOCXLS-1856)
- External link can not work in the exported PDF when the external file's name contains Chinese characters.(DOCXLS-1867)
- Borders are lost in SpreadJS after importing ssjson generated from GcExcel.(DOCXLS-1885)
Bugs Fixed
- Exception is thrown when importing ssjson that contains duplicated table names.(DOCXLS-1733)
- Null reference exception is thrown when exporting to ssjson.(DOCXLS-1734)
- Index out of range exception is thrown when exporting to pdf.(DOCXLS-1784)
Bugs Fixed
- The font color is changed in SpreadJS after importing the ssjson exported by GCExcel.(DOCXLS-1729)
- The hidden rows and columns are visible in SpreadJS after importing the ssjson exported by GCExcel.(DOCXLS-1729)
- Shape name is changed after copying worksheet.(DOCXLS-1728)
- GcExcel can not load some kind of ssjson correctly. (DOCXLS-1726)
- Some rich text is overlapped after exporting to Pdf.(DOCXLS-1724)
- Exception is thrown during exporting to pdf if the machine is German locale.(DOCXLS-1707)
- Import ssjson containing data validaiton style and then export,the validation style will be lost in the exported ssjson.(DOCXLS-1692)
- Chart type is changed after importing xlsx file.(DOCXLS-1686)
- Null reference exception is thrown after loading xlsx then exporting to Pdf.(DOCXLS-1684)
- Some shapes are lost after importing ssjson.(DOCXLS-1656)
- "_xlfn" prefix is added before Days formula after exporting to ssjson.(DOCXLS-1655)
- Formula of conditional format is changed after copying a range.(DOCXLS-1636)
New Features
- Templates support to generate Excel reports.
- Support conversion of Excel spreadsheets having slicers to PDF.
- Support new Excel 2016 chart types.
- Support security options when saving to PDF.
- Support document properties when saving to PDF.
- Protect workbook.
- Support chart sheet.
- Support shape with hyperlink.
- Group/Ungroup shapes.
- Calculate outline subtotal.
- Get precedents and dependents of formula cell.
- Add pivot table's grand totals and report layout options similar to Excel.
- Support shape adjustment.
- Support sheet background image to PDF.
- Export Excel files with multiple images to PDF with reduced file size.
- Support license workbook instance.
- Rename pivot fields and Data Fields.
- Support cell tags of GrapeCity SpreadJS.
- Support cell types of GrapeCity SpreadJS.
- Support best fit rows/columns feature of GrapeCity SpreadJS.
Bugs Fixed
- Unable to set Icon for IconCriteria.(DOCXLS-1531s)
- "_xlfn" prefix added before IFNA formula while converting to JSON.(DOCXLS-1537)
- The precision of calculated result is incorrect.(DOCXLS-1547)
- Exception is thrown when setting cell value with
- Text is displayed incompletely in exported PDF document.(DOCXLS-1539)
- DiagonalDown border is lost in exported json.(DOCXLS-1577)
- Customer can detect if there is custom Icon for a cell in specified range.(DOCXLS-1555)
Bug Fixed
- Null exception is thrown when opening Excel file.(DOCXLS-1377)
- Unable to set Icon for IconCriteria.(DOCXLS-1531)
- "_xlfn" prefix is added before IFNA formula for ToJSON method.(DOCXLS-1537)
- Characters display incompletely in the exported PDF.(DOCXLS-1539)
- Diagonal down border is lost in the exported ssjson.(DOCXLS-1577)
- Improve the opening time of large spreasheet when it contains shape and auto-fit rows.
- JP built-in named styles are supported.
Bug Fixed
- The formula result is not precise which leads to the conditional checking failed.(DOCXLS-1453)
- The location and size of shapes are incorrect after opening the saved Excel under JP culture.(DOCXLS-1361)
- The content of exported pdf is incorrect.(DOCXLS-1315)
Bug Fixed
- The picture name is changed after saving a workbook to json several times.(DOCXLS-1427)
- Corrupted Excel file is generated after copying a range containing checkbox control.(DOCXLS-1446)
- Cell border is lost in exported pdf file..(DOCXLS-1450)
- The auto row height is incorrect in the exported pdf if there is a merged cell and wrap text is true.(DOCXLS-1429)
- Exception is thrown when opening a Excel file with a table whose name contains '.'.(DOCXLS-1451)
- The marker of data series is changed after saving and loading json.(DOCXLS-1444, DOCXLS-1273)
- The content should not be wrapped cell's value is a number.(DOCXLS-1430)
Bug Fixed
- IndexOutOfRange exception is thrown when the same XLSX file is opened with parallel threads.(DOCXLS-1368)
- Exception is thrown after loading ssjson and then save to PDF file.(DOCXLS-1382)
- Column width changed after loading ssjson.(DOCXLS-1371)
- Unable to fill shape with picture through API.(DOCXLS-1376)
- Exception is thrown after loading ssjson and then invoke SetColumnWidth.(DOCXLS-1378)
- Some text can not be rendered completedly in the exported PDF file.(DOCXLS-1404)
- Unable to set a picture fill for shape.(DOCXLS-1376)
- Exception is thrown when saving a worksheet to PDF file two time.(DOCXLS-1415)
- The calculation result of INDIRECT function is different with Excel.(DOCXLS-1335)
Bug Fixed
- Incorrect sparkine is rendered in the exported PDF file.(DOCXLS-1242)
- InvalidFormulaException is thrown during loading ssjson.(DOCXLS-1266)
- An error occurs while saving to PDF file.(DOCXLS-1303)
- Out of memerory occurs while loading an Excel file.(DOCXLS-1279)
- Stack overflow occurs while saving to PDF file.(DOCXLS-1315)
- Exception is thrown while loading a xlsm file.(DOCXLS-1335)
- Calculation results from GCExcel doesn't match the results from MSExcel.(DOCXLS-1322, DOCXLS-1323)
- Cell Style is not correct after GcExcel toJSON and then SpreadJS fromJSON.(DOCXLS-1334)
- Customer can overwrite current function implementation when registering a new custom function.(DOCXLS-1146)
Bug Fixed
- Exception is thrown when exporting to json.(DOCXLS-1120)
- Exception is thrown after adding a lot of hyperlinks then saving to Excel.(DOCXLS-1154)
- Some text can not display completely in the exported pdf file.(DOCXLS-1156)
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on using Calculate method for a Workbook.(DOCXLS-1211)
- If calculated result is too large(20+ digits) in the cell, the value acquired by GcExcel is horizontally reversed.(DOCXLS-1127)
- There is a difference between the Excel display value and the Text value acquired by GcExcel.(DOCXLS-1128)
- When a cell referenced by a formula is moved by "Cut" method, the formula is not automatically updated.(DOCXLS-1210)
- The exported pdf and Excel file is corrupted when using GcExcel in multiple threading. (DOCXLS-1208)
Bug fixed
- GcExcel throws exception when loading ssjon with invalid image source.(DOCXLS-1115)
- Exception is thrown when opening an Excel with a lot of conditional formatting.(DOCXLS-1047)
- Unable to export to PDF with a specified culture.(DOCXLS-1043)
- The exported Excel file does not open correctly after loading ssjson.(DOCXLS-1076)
- Redundant lines are rendered while exporting to PDF.(DOCXLS-1068)
- SSJSON is not exported correctly if there are charts with duplicate names.(DOCXLS-1067)
- PrintInfo.firstPageNumber in ssjson is always 1 even though it is not set for IWorksheet.PageSetup.(DOCXLS-1107)
- Exception is thrown when opening certain Excel file.(DOCXLS-1104)
- Exception is thrown when loading a ssjson containing font with line height.(DOCXLS-1110)
- Leading apostrophe in a cell value is displayed as part of the cell text (not consistent with Excel behavior).(DOCXLS-1041)
- Exception is thrown when loading ssjson with custom function.(DOCXLS-1044)
- Copy behavior is inconsistent with Excel when the target range is larger than the source range.(DOCXLS-844)
- Exception is thrown after opening certain Excel file and then export to ssjson.(DOCXLS-1116)
- GcExcel can not export text with Simhei bold font.(DOCXLS-937).
- Load ssjson with combobox cells and then export to Excel, the cell value of combobox cell is wrong in the exported Excel file.(DOCXLS-1106)
New Features
- Export Excel files with shapes to pdf.
- Cut/copy ranges between different workbooks.
- Copy/move worksheet between different workbooks.
- Control whether to adjust page breaks after inserting/deleting rows/columns.
- Customize the row/column/cell delemiter when loading or saving csv file.
- Set the tail repeated rows and right repeated columns when saving to pdf.
- Support for paste options during copy and paste ranges.
- Support IRange.find() and IRange.replace() methods.
- Show or hide different kinds of pivot table styles.
- Support for exporting pivot table styles to pdf.
- Support setting the number format for each pivot field.
- Japanese ruby can now be preserved after Excel I/O.
- Get and customize each page settings before saving to pdf file.
- Render any sheet range inside a pdf file.
- Keep rows/columns togother when saving to pdf.
- Save multiple workbooks to one pdf file.
- Export specific pages from spreadsheet to pdf
- Save multiple spreadsheet pages into one pdf page.
- Support IRange.autoFit method to fit rows/columns.
- Support IRange.FormulaArrayR1C1 property to get or set array formula in R1C1 format.
- Support more import flags during open an Excel file.
- OLEObject will be preserved after Excel I/O.
- Support Shrink to fit, wrapped text while saving to pdf.
Bug fixed
- GcExcel ignores 'ignore_empty' parameter in TEXTJOIN formula.(DOCXLS-970)
- Large JSON file generated when using ToJson on a particular Workbook.(DOCXLS-968)
- UsedRange.Value sets improper values to the range when Formula is set to Empty.(DOCXLS-956)
Bug Fixed
- The column width, font size and picture's left position changes after JSON I/O with GcExcel.(DOCXLS-902)
- The cell font changes after JSON I/O with GcExcel.(DOCXLS-921)
- Visible property of secondary category axis returns incorrect value.(DOCXLS-849)
- The major and minor units of value axis of stacked area chart return incorrect value.(DOCXLS-805)
- The major and minor units of value axis for 100% stacked chart return incorrect value.(DOCXLS-800)
- The data label's text returns incorrect value when Axis.DisplayUnit is set. (DOCXLS-768)
- Exception is thrown on opening json file that contains invalid formula.(DOCXLS-948)
- Performance of exporting a single worksheet to PDF was improved significantly.
- fromJson method was improved when json contained table style and multiple named styles.
- GcExcel now sets minimum value of Zoom factor to 10% when exporting spreadsheet to PDF, similar to MS Excel setting.
Bug Fixed
- The TintAndShade property does not work as expected if Color is set.(DOCXLS-872)
- Cells containing SUBTOTAL formula do not return correct values.(DOCXLS-881)
- InvalidFormulaException is thrown when opening Excel files saved by Open XML SDK.
Bug fixed
- Image size specified in code does not apply on the image in the generated excel file (DOCXLS-787)
- Setting formulas using @ symbol trims the column name.(DOCXLS-804)
- Data label's separator does not return correct value.(DOCXLS-830)
- Cell's value always return 0 when workbook.getEnableCalculation() is false.(DOCXLS-834)
- Improve the performance of lookup functions when looking up string values.
Bug fixed
- GcExcel is unable to load an Excel file consisting SUMPRODUCT formula.(DOCXLS-733)
- Added IWorksheet.FixedPageBreaks to control whether to adjust page breaks after inserting/deleting rows or columns.
- Improved the effect of wrapped text to pdf.
Bug fixed
- Page breaks are not adjusted after inserting/deleting rows or columns.(DOCXLS-728)
- NullReferenceException is thrown after calling IRange.ClearContents().(DOCXLS-731)
- NullReferenceException occurs on editing and saving XML generated by ClosedXML.(DOCXLS-726)
- Refreshing a PivotTable through code and saving it, corrupts the generated Excel file.(DOCXLS-739)
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException thrown on refreshing PivotTable present in some *.xlsx file.(DOCXLS-740)
- On deleting the active sheet and saving the Excel file, an error dialog is observed on opening the saved Excel file.(DOCXLS-747)
- StackOverflowException is thrown on invoking SetSourceData for Chart.(DOCXLS-724)
- Color.Empty leaves black color on a cell.(DOCXLS-722)
- Error is thrown while using FromJson method.(DOCXLS-734)
- Using MAXIFS function results in #NAME? error in cell.(DOCXLS-749)
New Features
- The performance of workbook.fromJson() method has been enhanced when the JSON file contains multiple styles.
- Users can now import and export spreadsheets that contain macros. While these will not be executed, the macros will now be preserved when saving.
- The support for loading and saving GrapeCity SpreadJS JSON files with shapes have been added.
- Users can now set rich text format in the cells by applying different styles to the textual information entered in the cell.
- While working with custom named styles, users can now modify an existing style and add it to the Styles collection.
- Users can now export Excel files with vertical text to PDF.
- Now, users can insert any background image to the worksheet including their organization logo, custom watermark or a wallpaper of their choice without any issues.
- PDFBox can now be installed automatically for all versions of Eclipse Maven plugin.
- Extensive support for the new Date Time API that has been introduced recently with JDK 8 has been provided.
- The pivot table has been enhanced in order to support the date field group in Excel 2016.
- Some overloads have been added for Open and Save methods to avoid passing file format.
Bug fixed
- The Workbook.calculate() method now evaluates the cell values correctly.
- While saving an Excel file to open XML format, the logical value of the cell is now calculated without any errors.
- Improved the performance of Workbook.fromJson method, when json file contains lot of styles.
- PDFBox now can be installed automatically for all versions of eclipse maven plugin.
Bug fixed
- Exception thrown when Workbook opens the stream returned by HttpServletRequest.getInputStream().
- Null pointer exception is thrown on saving to PDF, if the font used is null.
- GcExcel throws exception on loading ssjson file with null values.
- Merged range in table couldn't be rendered to pdf.
- The hidden rows are still rendered to pdf after loading ssjson file.
Other Resources
- Product Home Site:
- Demo Site:
- 中文主页:
- 中文示例站点:
- Maven Repo Address: