User Registration App with MongoDB

This is a basic web application that demonstrates user registration using Express.js and MongoDB. Users can fill out a registration form, and their data is stored in a MongoDB database.

I have installed this package for this project

Express.js --> web framework backend endpoint create Mongoose --> to connect backend endpoint to mongodb database for storing data EJS -->for creating dynamic template Body-parser --> it is a middleware to parse the request come in the form http request and understand them crypto --> lib to encrypt and decrypt the password respectively nodemon --> it is used to start the server in development environment

Setup & how to run the web application

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd your-project
  2. Install dependencies & setup metadata:

    npm install
  3. Ensure MongoDB is running Make sure that MongoDB is running locally

  4. Start the app: npm start

  5. Access the app: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000

  6. Fill out the registration form and submit