A curated list of AWS resources including trainings, tutorials, whitepapers, tools, blogs and more...
- DynamoDB
- Netflix
- Capital One
- Automate AWS Infrastructure with Boto 3 — AWS Instance Tags
- Automate AWS Infrastructure with Boto 3: AWS Health Checks
- Automate Your AWS Infrastructure with Boto 3 — AWS Snapshots
- Starting Out with AWS & DevOps — 10 Tips From an Expert
- Guardrails for AWS Event-Driven Serverless Architectures
- Advice on Taking the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam From Someone Who Just Passed
- AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts
- AWS Glue: An ETL Solution with Huge Potential
- Terraform Poka-Yokes — Writing Effective, Scalable, Dynamic, and Error-Resistant Terraform
- A Developer Walks into Amazon SageMaker…
- A Deep Dive Into Seamless Blue/Green Deployment Using AWS CodeDeploy
- 4 Serverless Myths to Understand Before Getting Started with AWS
- Best Practices for AWS Lambda Container Reuse
- Docup to create the website inspired from howtheytest-jp
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To the extent possible under law, Unmesh Gundecha has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.