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TikUp Neo

An updated auto downloader and uploader for TikTok videos.

Note: TikTok-Api is currently broken, meaning that that TikUpNeo will not work until the issues get fixed. tiktok-scraper also broke at the same time.

TikTok-Api, internetarchive, yt-dlp, and playwright on Python 3.

How to Install
Install with pip install tikup. Update with pip install -U tikup.

How to Use

usage: tikup [-h] [--no-delete] [--hashtag] [--limit LIMIT] [--use-download-archive] [--id] [--liked]
             [--folder FOLDER] [--no-upload]

An auto downloader and uploader for TikTok videos.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-delete           don't delete files once uploaded to the Internet Archive
  --hashtag             download this hashtag
  --limit LIMIT         set limit on amount of TikToks to download
                        record the video url to the download archive. This will download only videos not listed in the
                        archive file. Record the IDs of all downloaded videos in it.
  --id                  download this video ID
  --liked               download this user's liked posts
  --folder FOLDER       set download destination (default: ~/.tikup)
  --no-upload           turn off uploading to the Internet Archive

Internet Archive upload

To interact with the Internet Archive, you will first need to create an IA account.

Confirm your account and note down your email address and password.

Then run ia configure and log in.

Changes from TikTok-Api

  • Updated TikTok-Api functions to 4.0+ from the dated 3.1.4 version.
  • Changed downloader from the now inactive youtube-dl to yt-dlp, which is more active, and supports watermark-free downloads
  • Changed tiktok-info json from info to info_full.
  • Added IA upload and Changes section
  • Added comments extraction support


  • Test TikUp Neo when TikTok-Api gets fixed, and fix bugs
  • Change Download and Upload order from "Download > Download > Upload > Upload" to "Download > Upload > Download > Upload". This would be useful for people with low storage and people using time limited servers.
  • Extract videos from search
    • Video search
    • User search
  • Add more Internet Archive metadata
    • Description
    • Date
    • Tags
  • Create Metadata and List posts, with all raw metadata from tiktok along with a csv of TikToks insside them.
    • User
      • Profile Picture
      • Liked videos list
    • Sound
      • Sound file
      • Sound cover art
      • Sound beat graph
    • Hashtag
    • Search(?)

To be implemented by TikTok-Api

  • Effects
  • Locations
  • Playlists
  • Photo Posts

To be implemented by yt-dlp

  • HD video option


Original TikUp by Coloradohusky. Dear Coloradohusky, I hate you for deleting the original TikUp and InstaUp, then blocking me when I ask why.

Special thanks to osmaelo for forking TikUp's latest version before it's death