Configurating terminal
The alias command makes it possible to launch any command or group of commands (with arguments, options or redirections) by entering a pre-set string.
Open the settings file
vim ~/.bashrc
Add aliases
alias ll='ls -ltrha --color=auto' # add arguments to a command that exists
alias ls='ls -ltrha --color=auto' # add arguments to a command that exists
alias vi='vim' # redirect the old application to the new one
alias exot='exit' # correct typing errors
alias clera='clear' # correct typing errors
alias qpositive='history -c && history -w && exit' # link more commands under one
alias bing='git push'
alias bang='git status && git add --all && git commit -m'
alias duck='cd /home/devx/sandbox' # go to the sandbox
alias qqqRunVEnv='. venv/bin/activate' # activate python virtual environment
alias eeeCreateVEnv='python3 -m venv venv' # create python virtual environment
alias shit='sudo $(history -p \!\!)' # run last command as root
eval $(thefuck --alias FUCK)