
Uploadcare migration tool.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MIGRO: Uploadcare migration tool

Migro helps you migrate to Uploadcare from other cloud file management services like Filestack, Cloudinary, etc. Currently, we support migrating from Filestack, but you can migrate from other services too: you'll just need to provide your file URLs for import.


This utility requires Python version 3.8 or later.

In order to install migro, simply run:

$ pip install uploadcare-migro




<PUBLIC_KEY> — Your Uploadcare project public key.

<INPUT_FILE> — A text file containing a list of file URLs to be uploaded to your Uploadcare project.

Other options:

-v, --version               Show utility version and quit.

-h, --help                  Show this help and quit.

--output_file FILE          Path to a Migro output file.  [default:

--upload_base TEXT          Base URL for uploads.  [default:

--from_url_timeout FLOAT    Number of seconds to wait till the file will be
                            processed by `from_url` upload.  [default: 30]

--max_uploads INTEGER       Maximum number of upload requests running in
                            'parallel'.  [default: 20]

--check_interval FLOAT      Number of seconds in between status check

Output file format

The output file format is quite simple. For each input file URL or Filestack file handle, there are 3 columns divided by the t symbol (tab).

The first column holds input file URL or Filestack handle itself, second column — upload operation status: success or fail, third column — output Uploadcare URL or error description.

For instance, you're willing to migrate the three following files to Uploadcare where the first two are presented as URLs and the third one as Filestack file handle. Also, that's how your input text file will then be structured:


That's what you get in your Migro output file for those input entries:

https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/YBLVVdUpRqC4nOynxDd8       success     https://ucarecdn.com/d8f8de4b-f92e-41a0-b7f9-28fd4baad9ae/
https://www.facebook.com/rsrc.php/v3/y7/r/dTQOHZm7Z-3.svg   success     https://ucarecdn.com/4a03f3d4-2bd3-456e-89a5-008190980248/
https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/uNWvPRXJQmO49MJbPZn9       fail        Uploading of these files types is not allowed on your current plan.

How migration works

The migration itself is fairly simple: you provide a list of file URLs or Filestack file handlers, and those files get uploaded to your Uploadcare project. That's it. Migro does not download any files. It makes use of the Uploading API. Specifically, it utilizes the From URL method.

As a result, you'll get a listing of all the uploaded files. For every processed file, you're also getting its status and errors, in case there were any.


Here's how you run the utility:

$ migro 9a598e2a47fe961ea412 fileslist.txt --output_file /tmp/migro-result.txt

And that's what you get:

Upload progress: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 6/6 [00:03<00:00,  1.74s/file]
All files have been processed, output URLs were written to: are here: /tmp/migro_result.txt
Number of failed files: 1
Thanks for your interest in Uploadcare.
Hit us up at help@uploadcare.com in case of any questions.

Note for windows users

Currently there is an issue with program termination by CTRL+C on Windows, so program can no be terminated correctly by this way.

This is a platform dependent python programming language issue.


You can use our libs to migrate your files from any source.