
The Android SDK sample soft keyboard resurrected for API 21 and above

Primary LanguageJava

Soft Keyboard
Resurrecting the old keyboard for API 21+

Soft Keyboard Image

"Useful on emulators that need a keyboard which does not contain a legal First Run Experience, like Gboard."

Soft Keyboard Build Status Latest Release

Example on API 29

Since this example keyboard doesn't ship on Android emulators past API 27, here is a demo showing it work on API 29 using this project.

Soft Keyboard Example


Navigate to the releases tab to find the latest APK for use in your environment. The source code has been kept as close to the original as possible for the sake of consistency.

A sister project to this, the Android Emulator Builder, uses the APK from this project to automatically stand up an emulator and bypass the legal prompts shown by Gboard on the first run. Instead of using Gboard, it installs this application as the default keyboard, which doesn't have any on-boarding prompts. More information on this technique, and on other ways of automatically setting up an Android emulator, is available on our article on ProAndroidDev.

This project was inspired by a need for the MyUPMC project at UPMC Enterprises

MyUPMC UPMC Enterprises