DNA error-correcting code pipeline (inner -> HEDGES, outer -> RS (Reed-Solomon)) running on UPMEM PIM DPU.
This project is based on the original HEDGES Research Article. (Williamm H.Press, John A.Hawkins and all, Texas University, June 6, 2020, https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2004821117).
The source code is based on the original HEDGES implementation (https://github.com/whpress/hedges).
| ___________ _______________ _______________ |
| | | | outer encoder | | inner encoder | |
| | synthetic |--->| (R.S) |--->| (HEDGES) | |
| | data | | [CPU] | | [CPU/DPU] | |
| |___________| |_______________| |_______________| |
| | |
| [A.C.G.T...] |
| (encoded DNA strands) |
| ___________ _______________ ______|________ |
| | synthetic | | outer decoder | | inner decoder | |
| | data |<---| (R.S) |<---| (HEDGES) | |
| | decoded | | [CPU] | | [CPU/DPU] | |
| |___________| |_______________| |_______________| |
The current implementation supports only one DPU as it consists of a POC.
Only the HEDGES inner decoder has been implemented on DPU yet.
Theses performances are described in the next section.
Performances with 1 DPU are measured on real HW. Performances with 2560 DPUs (one server) are estimated based on the one-DPU performance, assuming linear scaling.
CR | srate | drate | irate | strands/DPU run | time (sec/DPU) | decoding throughput with one DPU (seq/sec) | (estimated) decoding throughput with 2560 DPUs (seq/sec) | DPU pipeline efficiency (%) |
0.5 | 0.03105 | 0.00945 | 0.00585 | 510 | 29.72 | 17 | 43,925 | 69 |
0.33 | 0.03105 | 0.00945 | 0.00585 | 510 | 8.31 | 61.4 | 157,092 | 62 |
0.25 | 0.03105 | 0.00945 | 0.00585 | 510 | 4.37 | 116.6 | 298,569 | 69 |
The HEDGES project is built on top of nr3python, numpy1.13 and python2.7.
make clean && make
In hedges_pipeline.py, make sure that the DPU mode is enabled for the decoding step.
test_dpu_decoder = True
make test