
An all-in-one ansible script for launching OP Stack chain with necessary infrastructures

Primary LanguageJinja

#OPStack Ansible Installer


To operate the rest API, a private key file with the name ssh_private_key.pem is required in the root directory. Target servers should be accessible by ssh using that key.

###To run using docker

- docker version 26
- docker compose version 2.26

###To run without docker

- ansile version core 2.17.1
- node version 20



    docker compose up --build -d

###Without Docker

    node install
    node app.js

    cp <path to pem file> ./ssh_private_key.pem
    chmod 600 ssh_private_key.pem 


    node app.js

#Preparing the Host Server

The script assumes that the server on which opstack is to be launched is running Ubunt 22.04+ and has all required ports open. The server should also give access to the ssh key whose private key is stored in ssh_private_key.pem.


##Launch opstack


POST /opstack

The request body should be json with the following form.

        "host": {
            "address": [ip address of the target machine],
            "port": [optional -ssh port if not 22],
            "user": [username on target machine],
        "l2": {
            "chain_id": [chain id of the l2 chain],
            "chain_name": [name of the l2 chain],
            "native_currency": {
                "name": [optional - defaults to "Ethereum"],
                "symbol: [optional - defaults to "ETH"],
                "decimals": [optional - defaults to 18]
        "l1" {
            "rpc" {
                "kind": [The kind of RPC provider, used to inform optimal transactions receipts fetching. Valid options: alchemy, quicknode, infura, parity, nethermind, debug_geth, erigon, basic, any],
                "url": [url of te l1 rpc]
            "native_currency": {
                "name": [optional - defaults to "Ethereum"],
                "symbol: [optional - defaults to "ETH"],
                "decimals": [optional - defaults to 18]
            "block_explorer": {
                "url": [optional - defaults to "https://holesky.etherscan.io"],
                "name": [optional - defaults to "Etherscan"],
                "api": [optional - defaults to "https://api-holesky.etherscan.io/api]"
        "opstack": {
            "admin_private_key": [the private key of the admin account],
            "batcher_private_key": [the private key of the batcher account],
            "proposer_private_key": [the private key of the proposer account],
            "sequencer_private_key": [the private key of the psp sequencer account],
            "domain": [the domain of the l2 node - if empty, no domain will be set but the node can be accessed using the IP address and port 8545]
        "explorer": {
            "include": [true/false - defaults to true - if true the blockscout explorer will be launched],
            "domain": [domain of the explorer - if empty, no domain will be set but the explorer can be accessed using the IP address and port 4000]
        "faucet": {
            "include": [true/false - defaults to true - if true the faucet will be launched],
            "domain": [the domain of the faucet webpage - if empty, no domain will be set but the faucet can be accessed using the IP address and port 8080],
            "private_key": [private key of the account that funds the faucet]
        "bridge": {
            "include": [true/false - defaults to true - if true the bridge will be launched],
            "indexer_domain": [domain of the bridge indexer - if empty, no domain will be set but the bridge indexer can be accessed using the IP address and port 4241],
            "ui_domain": [domain of the bridge UI - if empty, no domain will be set but the bridge UI can be accessed using the IP address and port 4242]
        "traefik" {
            "http_username": [username for access to the traefik api],
            "http_password": [password for access to the traefik api],
            "resolver_email": [email used by the certificate resolver]

The opstack section can alternatiely be of the form

        "opstack": {
            "seed_phrase: [the mnemonic seed phrase],
            "seed_phrase_language": [optional - defaults to english],
            "domain": [the domain of the l2 node]

in which case the admin, batcher, proposer and sequencer accounts are genetrated from the seed phrase with as the first, second, third and fourth accounts respectively.

Running the ansible playbook without the API

If running the ansible playbook without using the api, use the following.

    ansible-playbook -e [variables] -i [host ip address] opstack.yml

with the required variables listed below set either as arguments or using a .ini file.

The json values above correspond to ansible variables with the following names.

  • host.address - ansible_host
  • host.port - ansible_port
  • host.user - ansible_user
  • opstack.admin_private_key - admin_private_key
  • opstack.batcher_private_key - batcher_private_key
  • opstack.proposer_private_key - proposer_private_key
  • opstack.sequencer_private_key - sequencer_private_key
  • opstack.seed_phrase - seed_phrase
  • opstack.domain - domain_name
  • l1_rpc.kind - l1_rpc_kind
  • l1_rpc.url - l1_rpc_url
  • shared.l2_chain_id - l2_chain_id
  • shared.chain_name - chain_name
  • explorer.include - include_explorer
  • explorer.domain - explorer_domain
  • faucet.include - include_faucet
  • faucet.domain - faucet_domain
  • faucet.private_key - faucet_private_key
  • bridge.include - include_bridge
  • bridge.indexer_domain - bridge_indexer_domain
  • bridge.ui_domain - bridge_ui_domain
  • traefik.resolver_email - resolver_email
  • traefik.http_password - http_password
  • traefik.http_username - http_username

In addition, ansible_ssh_private_key_file should be set to ./ssh_private_key.json, or to the path of your keyfile if different.