Core uPort registry contract for linking attributes to uPort identities. DEPRECATED
- 2DAlgoTecture
- aldigjo
- ckeenan
- connorodayGitcoin
- cubedroConsenSys
- danielnovy
- dazuck3box Labs
- DLTCLTHashed Works
- eemailme
- EseogheneDisco.xyz
- eshonProtocol Labs
- frozemanLUKSO
- gbugyis@Uniswap
- jhcloos
- JLilicConsenSys
- jmlubinConsenSys
- KevinJiaoSan Francisco, CA
- kjameslubinBlockApps
- koeppelmann
- markfid
- mekuriacom
- michaelsena@ceramicnetwork @3box
- mohamedhayibor
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- nzzl
- oed@3box
- recmo@worldcoin
- Renaud-VBelgium
- rh7
- rverbeeConsenSys
- samcassattNew York, NY
- Schaeff@zokrates @ethereum @ProjectProvenance
- stedwms
- travisjthayerAtlanta, GA
- uportdummy
- zachferland@3box @ConsenSys