Identity Extension Wallet

This project is in alpha and will change. We are working to adopt interop standards accross these APIs.


Run in dev mode on localhost. (Native Extension apis won't work)

yarn && yarn start

Build project

yarn build

Turn on development mode in your chrome extensions settings. Choose to load upacked and select the build directory.

Extension API

When activated the extention will inject a ascript onto the users webpage under the global variable idWallet. This exposes a few methods which can be used to communicate with the extension.



For Trust Agency custodial DIDs you can authenticate by passing in the session token and tenantId

const auth = await idWallet.authenticate('<TOKEN>', '<TENANT_ID>'})


const identity = await idWallet.connect()


Pass the SDR JWT as the only argument

const response = idWallet.request('<SDR_JWT>')


Pass the W3C verifiableCredential object and an optional flag to automatically accept a credentials without giving the user an option.

const response ='<W3C_VC>', (autosave = false))