Ordinary differential equation solver using the method of multiple shooting
The code has been tested with Python 2.7 and Python 3. Libraries used:
- numpy
- matplotlib (if you want to run the examples provided)
Coming soon. In the mean time this will be sufficient.
Consider the simple problem which has the solution
By simple substitution we can transform this problem to the form
Now we can turn this into code.
import numpy as np # used to define vectors
import util # used to generate initial values at each interval
import multish as msh # implementation of the multiple shooting algorithm
import rukutta as rk # implementation of explicit Runge-Kutta methods
import newtonssc # implements different newton methods
def f(t, y): # our transformed problem
return np.array([y[1], t ** 2 + 1])
def r(a, b): # this function describes the boundary-conditions
return np.array([a[0] - 1, b[0] - 3])
if __name__ == "__main__":
m = 10 # we divide the interval [0,1] into 10 intervals
maxiter = 10 # we want at most 10 shooting iterations
t = np.linspace(0., 1., m + 1) # the intervals
bv_left = np.array([1, 0]) # values at t=0
bv_right = np.array([3, 0]) # values at t=1
interpolated_bv = util.getInterpolatedVectors(bv_right, bv_left, m + 1)
# intermediate values
Ba = np.matrix([[1, 0], [0, 0]]) # jacobian of r w.r.t a
Bb = np.matrix([[0, 0], [1, 0]]) # analogous with b
integrator = rk.DormandPrince(h=.01) # we choose Dormand-Prince
newtonSolver = newtonssc.StdNewton(Ba=Ba, Bb=Bb, t=t, r=r,
# we use a standard newton-solver
# now we shoot
shooter = msh.MultipleShootingIntegrator(t=t, m=m, dim=2,
shooter.shoot(f=f, maxiter=maxiter, silent=False)
The solution can then be plotted using something like matplotlib. For different and more sophisticated examples see the examples folder.
- Parallelization of the calculation of the jacobian matrix ∇F(s(k))
- Rewriting the code in Cython
- Using the integrators provided by scipy
- Improving the Newton-methods