
Firmware for Heart BioAmp hardware from Upside Down Labs

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Firmware for Heart BioAmp hardware from Upside Down Labs

No. Program Description
1 FixedSampling Sample from ADC at a fixed rate for easy processing of signal.
2 ECGFilter A 0.5 - 44.5 Hz band-pass filter sketch for clean Electrocardiography.
3 HeartRateDetection ECG signal based BPM (beats per minute) calculator.
4 HeartBeatDetection Standard deviation based heart beat detection algorithm.
5 BLEHeartRateDetection ECG based Heart Rate calculator with ESP32 BLE.


  1. ECG Filter

    A band-pass filter for EMG signals between 0.5 Hz and 44.5 Hz

  2. ECG Wave

    EMG signal detection for biomedical applications.