
Show all unread tweets in reverse chronological order. You can apply this add-on only to a specified list.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

For people who read all tweets on Twitter time-line, show all unread tweets in reverse chronological order.
You can also apply this add-on only to a specified list.

This add-on works on Twitter home, so you can use with other useful add-ons and greasemonkey scripts such as @troynt's Twitter Script( http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/40617 ), whose features are url expansion and media embed and so on.

Other functions
-Show replies from users you don't follow, too(you can turn off this setting)
-Notify new DMs, too

If you use with pbtweet+( http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/66696 ), turn off pbtweet+'s "Auto Update", "Growl Notification" options. 

Twitter のタイムラインをすべて読む人のため、未読発言のみ古いものから順に表示します。

このスクリプトは Twitter のページ上で動作するため、他のアドオンやGreasemonkeyスクリプトと併用できます。例えば@troynt's Twitter Script( http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/40617 ) は短縮URLの展開、TwitPic や YouTube のプレビューなどの機能を持っています。


pbtweet+( http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/66696 ) と一緒に使う場合、pbtweet+ の "Auto Update", "Growl Notification" のオプションをオフにしてください。

-Disable Twitter's update notification to get tweets without omission
-Fix not to get new tweets doubly
-Fix the bug tweets color doesn't return when new tweets are fetched


-Fix to reduce failure frequency
-Fix the bug tweets color doesn't return when new tweets are fetched
-Fix to change color of mentions from following
-Make mentions colored more deeply
-Improve settings window's design
-Fix the bug happening when there are no mentions
-Fix the position of "Move to unread tweets"
-Separate a last mention record and a last tweet record
-Update tr-TR locale

-Update tr-TR locale