
💡 Type hints for Numpy

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💡 Type hints for NumPy
💡 Extends numpy.typing
💡 Extensive dynamic type checks for dtypes and shapes of arrays

Example of a hinted function with nptyping:

>>> from nptyping import NDArray, Int, Shape

>>> def func(arr: NDArray[Shape["2, 2"], Int]) -> None:
...     pass


pip install nptyping

Instance checking

Example of instance checking:

>>> import numpy as np

>>> isinstance(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), NDArray[Shape["2, 2"], Int])

>>> isinstance(np.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]), NDArray[Shape["2, 2"], Int])

>>> isinstance(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]), NDArray[Shape["2, 2"], Int])

nptyping also provides assert_isinstance. In contrast to assert isinstance(...), this won't cause IDEs or MyPy complaints. Here is an example:

>>> from nptyping import assert_isinstance

>>> assert_isinstance(np.array([1]), NDArray[Shape["1"], Int])

Structured arrays

You can also express structured arrays using nptyping.Structure:

>>> from nptyping import Structure

>>> Structure["name: Str, age: Int"]
Structure['age: Int, name: Str']

Here is an example to see it in action:

>>> from typing import Any
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from nptyping import NDArray, Structure

>>> arr = np.array([("Peter", 34)], dtype=[("name", "U10"), ("age", "i4")])
>>> isinstance(arr, NDArray[Any, Structure["name: Str, age: Int"]])

Subarrays can be expressed with a shape expression between square brackets:

>>> Structure["name: Int[3, 3]"]
Structure['name: Int[3, 3]']

Record arrays

The recarray is a specialization of a structured array. You can use RecArray to express them.

>>> from nptyping import RecArray

>>> arr = np.array([("Peter", 34)], dtype=[("name", "U10"), ("age", "i4")])
>>> rec_arr = arr.view(np.recarray)
>>> isinstance(rec_arr, RecArray[Any, Structure["name: Str, age: Int"]])

More examples

Here is an example of a rich expression that can be done with nptyping:

def plan_route(
        locations: NDArray[Shape["[from, to], [x, y]"], Float]
) -> NDArray[Shape["* stops, [x, y]"], Float]:

More examples can be found in the documentation.


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