A simple knockout binding that enables you to conditionally display elements using Media Queries
ko.ifQuery extends the idea of knockout's if binding to use Media Queries. When used in conjunction with knockout templates, ko.ifQuery can also be used to selectively load different images based on screen size.
You can check out the selective image loading in the demo
<!-- ko ifQuery: 'only screen and (max-width: 768px)' -->
<div>I'm only in the dom if the window is 768px or less</div>
<!-- /ko -->
ko.ifQuery includes a set of default query values you can use (based off the excellent Zurb Foundation visibility styles)
<!-- ko ifQuery: 'small' -->
<div>I'm only in the dom if 'small'</div>
<!-- /ko -->
- small
- medium-down
- medium
- medium-up
- large-down
- large-up
- large-down
- xlarge
- portrait
- landscape
You can also combine multiple rules together by comma-delimiting them.
<!-- ko ifQuery: 'small,landscape' -->
<div>I'm only in the dom if 'small' and in landscape</div>
<!-- /ko -->
ko.ifQuery uses the matchMedia function, which not all browsers support. If you want to support these browsers, you'll need to use a polyfill such as Modernizr. (note: I haven't tested this myself, your mileage may vary :)