
This is a shared FriendsOfPHP/php-cs-fixer configuration used primarily in UptimeProject.io projects. But feel free to use it in your projects if you would like.

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This is a shared FriendsOfPHP/php-cs-fixer configuration used primarily in UptimeProject.io projects. But feel free to use it in your projects if you would like. Also, if you want to propose a change, feel free to create a PR 😁

This package can be used on PHP 7.4, 8.0 and 8.1.


composer require --dev uptimeproject/php-cs-fixer-config

PHP-CS-Fixer 2.0

If you are still using v2.x of PHP-CS-Fixer in your project, you should use version <1.2.x of this package.

composer require --dev uptimeproject/php-cs-fixer-config:1.2.*

Note that this version is no longer maintained, and you should upgrade to the latest version of PHP-CS-Fixer


Create a .php-cs-fixer.php configuration file in the root of your project.


$config = new UptimeProject\PhpCsFixerConfig\Config;
    ->in(__DIR__ . "/src")
    ->in(__DIR__ . "/tests");

return $config;

Also, make sure to ignore the .php_cs.cache file in your git repository.

Adding/overriding rules

It can be the case that you want to change something in the rules. No problem, you can override or add rules as follows:


$config = new UptimeProject\PhpCsFixerConfig\Config([
    'declare_strict_types' => true,
    ->in(__DIR__ . "/src")
    ->in(__DIR__ . "/tests");

return $config;

Be aware when you do this that risky fixers are allowed by default!

Example without risky fixers


$ruleOverrides = [
    'no_php4_constructor' => false,
    'pow_to_exponentiation' => false,
    'no_unneeded_final_method' => false,
    'no_unreachable_default_argument_value' => false,
    'php_unit_strict' => false,
    'psr4' => false,

$config = new UptimeProject\PhpCsFixerConfig\Config($ruleOverrides, false);

    ->in(__DIR__ . '/src')
    ->in(__DIR__ . '/tests');

return $config;


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


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