
My personal linux dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


Cause every developer needs one!

The following dotfiles contain configuration for

  • BSPWM (Window Mangaer)
  • nvim/vim
  • alacritty (Terminal)
  • zsh (shell)
  • conky (widget)
  • mpv (Media Player)
  • ranger (File Manager)
  • rofi (Application Launcher)
  • Conky (Desktop Widget)




You could either copy the configs or replace them manually.

If you want to be updated with configs, I recommend you having symlinks to my repo. The symlink.sh file has appropriate code to do this for you.

The detailed steps are as follows:

git clone https://github.com/b4skyx/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles

Edit the symlink.sh file and comment out the lines for whose config you do not want to replace. It can be done so by inserting a # at the front of the lines.

After doing so, make the file executable and run.

chmod +x symlink.sh