Hardware and Firmware for the Kissboard keyboard concept by urac/wolf (AdNW user community).
The physical key layout is inspired by a 2012 discussion on the german neo user mailinglist about custom keyboards using the AdNW layout. Specifically user urac proposed a minimalistic approach (KISS=keep it stupid simple) simply named kissboard. Later, AdNW user wolf build a handwired custom board using a modified AdNW variant called PUQ discussed here.
The PCB design was inspired by the Mitosis Project and its Mitosis hardware created by reversebias. Software implementation is a slightly modified copy of the Mitosis Firmware using QMK. The original Mitosis design is only available as an altium designer project. I used the freely available KiCad and the converter altium2kicad to first convert the layout to kicad, then create footprints of all important components and rebuild the design according to the kissboard/wolf switch layout.
The Kissbaord firmware is a fork of the Original Mitosis firmware modified to reflect the pin connections used in this layout. Also, I use a QMK Fork to implement any changes in the layout.