
🟣 Urani's ongoing development resources, aiming to onboard engineers and scientists to Solana development.

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👩🏽‍💻 Solana Development Onboarding

Our on-going development resources, aiming to onboard engineers to Solana development.

🛹 Why Solana?

Compared to older platforms like Bitcoin and EVM-based protocols, Solana is:

  • Massively cheaper, as transaction fees are a small fraction of a penny.
  • Massively faster, as most transactions are completed in a couple of seconds.
  • Highly decentralized, having one of the highest Nakamoto coefficients of any proof-of-stake network.
  • Fun AF, with an incomparable UI/UX and developer experience.

Shall we begin?

🛹 Embrace the Theory

🛹 Achieve Mastery with our Demos

Backend (Rust)

Frontend (JavaScript/TypeScript)


You are welcome to contribute. See the guidelines here.