
MoodleRest is a PHP class to query Moodle REST webservices

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MoodleRest is a PHP class to query Moodle REST webservices. You can make GET and POST requests.

Quick start

Ensure you already have access to a Moodle webservice. To use this class you will need a token (generated by Moodle admin) with the necessary capabilities for the services you want to access.


If you need a detailed explanation about the $parameters format of the request() method, read it in wiki.

To the code

You have 2 options to add this lib to your project:

Option One: Use Composer to include it in your project.

  • Inside your project directory create or modify the file composer.json:
    "require": {
        "llagerlof/moodlerest": "2.4.0"
  • In the same directory of the composer.json, run:
$ composer install
  • In your project, load the lib using composer autoloader:
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php'

Option Two: Include the MoodleRest.php class in your script.


Example 1

Query 2 Moodle groups with IDs 1 and 2, passing the server URL and token in constructor.

$MoodleRest = new MoodleRest('', '8f12e614dae30735260a045313caa400');

$groups = $MoodleRest->request('core_group_get_groups', array('groupids' => array(1,2)));


Example 2

Set the server and token in constructor and make a request to create a group on Moodle.

$MoodleRest = new MoodleRest('', '8f12e614dae30735260a045313caa400');

$new_group = array('groups' => array(array('courseid' => 2, 'name' => 'Group name', 'description' => 'Group description')));

// The default request's METHOD is to make a GET request, but you can change it to POST. This is recommended when inserting and updating data.
$return = $MoodleRest->request('core_group_create_groups', $new_group, MoodleRest::METHOD_POST);

// If you want the requested URL
echo $MoodleRest->getUrl();

Example 3

Query 2 pre-existent Moodle groups with IDs 1 and 2 (like example 1, without setting the server and token values in constructor).

$MoodleRest = new MoodleRest();
$MoodleRest->setReturnFormat(MoodleRest::RETURN_ARRAY); // Array is default. You can use RETURN_JSON or RETURN_XML too.

// You can enable debugging information using setDebug()
// When debugging is enabled, after each request the built URL and the result returned by the webservice function are printed to the standard output.
$arr = $MoodleRest->request('core_group_get_groups', array('groupids' => array(1,2)), MoodleRest::METHOD_GET);

// Note: You can make more requests using the same object

Example 4

Make a request using chained methods and return the result as json.

The $parameters variable below translates in URL as:
$parameters = array('userlist' => array(array('userid' => 5, 'courseid' => 2), array('userid' => 4, 'courseid' => 2)));

$json =
    (new MoodleRest())->setServerAddress("")->
    setReturnFormat(MoodleRest::RETURN_JSON)->request('core_user_get_course_user_profiles', $parameters);

echo $json;

More examples in wiki.