
Re-implementation of Age of Empires and the Rise of Rome expansion

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Age of Empires Free Software Remake

All copyrighted material and trademarks belong to their respective owners. This is an educational non-profit project we are writing in our free time.


Main Menu Demo map


Cross-platform free software game port of Microsoft's original Age of Empires and the Rise of Rome expansion.

It tries to take fully advantage of modern technology and APIs while mimicking the windows API and the genie game engine for compatibility reasons. In order to achieve this, some code is reconstructed from the dissassembly. We have provided a couple of tools that verify, test, and inspect the original data files.

You still need to own an original legitimate copy of Age of Empires in order to run this program, since you need the original game data to run the game.

Community free assets are not supported at the moment, but there are tools included if you want to make your own. It is not recommended to create your own at the moment because we haven't figured out what all resources are needed for and what dimensions, colors etc. the game expects.

User Guide

A simple, incomplete user guide is available here.


At the moment, there is no game to be played. Only basic functionality and lots of simple low-level stuff in the game engine is implemented. See STATUS for more details.


NOTE empires/empires is considered legacy and is going to be replaced by empires/empiresx eventually! empires/empires is more feature complete at the moment, but empiresx is an improved version that provides multiplayer support as well.

Operating System Supported programs and tools
Xubuntu 18.04.4 AoEx, server, tools
Windows 10 Pro 1909 AoEx, server

The programs and tools are abbreviated as:

Abbreviation Program(s)/Tool(s) Path(s)
AoEx Age of Empires empiresx/empiresx
server Standalone server empiresx/dedicated_server
tools Mod tools tools/

For more information how to install and run AoE, see INSTALL.


Make sure you own a legitimate copy of the original Age of Empires or Rise of Rome expansion and you have specified the root directory to AoE (RoR) correctly. See known issues and bugs for more details.
