
One single source of truth for your package.

Primary LanguagePython


PiPuB (read as a word, pih-pub) is a build tool that exports package requirements from the project's Pipfile and pyproject.toml to produce a setup.cfg that you can use to distribute the package to PyPI.

A work in progress.

How to

You can read this project's pyproject.toml and setup.py as an example.

Package Information from pyproject.toml and Pipfile

Create a pyproject.toml to contain most of your package's metadata. All values should go under the tool.pipub table.

Everything available in the setup.cfg is available [1] (but you might want to skip a few; see below), and you can ultilise the TOML syntax:

  • You can use TOML constructs (booleans, numbers, lists, and tables). PiPuB does the write thing automatically.
  • file: and attr: directives can be written as an inline table.

(Many obscure edge cases are currently not supported. Patches welcomed.)

[1]See the Configuring setup() using setup.cfg files section in the Building and Distributing Packages with Setuptools documentation.

Two entries will be extracted from Pipfile if they do not present in pyproject.toml:

  • options.install_requires will be populated from packages.
  • options.python_requires will be populated from requires.python_version.

IMPORTANY: they will be populated from Pipfile only if they don't already have an entry in ``pyproject.toml``.

Since population from setup.cfg only exists in Setuptools >= 30.3.0, you should add a [build-system] section in pyproject.toml as well:

requires = ["setuptools>=30.3.0", "wheel"]

See PEP 518 for more information.


Create a setup.py. It does not need to contain much information, only those you want to calculate dynamically:

from setuptools import setup

__version__ = ... # Read the version dynamically from a file or something.

When Releasing

Be sure to read the official packaging tutorial. PiPuB only process setup.cfg (and as an extention the setup() call in setup.py); you still need to provide other required files.

PiPuB provides a few subcommands to help you publish a package. A typical release process would look like this:

# Generate setup.cfg
pipub prepare

# Call `python setup.py` with given arguments.
pipub build sdist bdist_wheel

# Call `python -m twine upload` with given arguments.
pipub upload dist/*

Special Considerations

Since setup.cfg is generated dynamically, I recommend putting it in your VCS's ignore list (e.g. .gitignore) so it doesn't drift out of sync.

A downside to this approach is that users can no longer download and install your package directly from source (e.g. a Zip download from GitHub) without reconstructing setup.cfg themselves. There's not much can be done here. You can instruct them what to do in documentation, or commit a pre-generated setup.cfg in so they can use it (and carefully keep it synced). Or maybe you just don't care. I know I don't.