- Xcode 11+
- Swift 5
- iOS 9+
.package(url: "https://github.com/saeid/GDGauge.git", from: "1.2.1")
pod 'GDGauge'
import GDGauge
var gaugeView: GDGaugeView = GDGaugeView(frame: view.bounds)
.setupGuage(startDegree: CGFloat,
endDegree: CGFloat,
sectionGap: CGFloat,
minValue: CGFloat,
maxValue: CGFloat)
.setupContainer(width: CGFloat,
color: UIColor,
handleColor: UIColor,
shouldShowContainerBorder: Bool,
shouldShowFullCircle: Bool,
indicatorsColor: UIColor,
indicatorsValuesColor: UIColor,
indicatorsFont: UIFont)
.setupUnitTitle(title: String,
font: UIFont)
gaugeView.updateColors(containerColor: UIColor,
indicatorsColor: UIColor)
GDGauge is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.txt file for more info.