
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a hobby project attempting to implement a Hammond organ synthesiser (and eventually Leslie speaker, too) in the browser using WebAudio.

You can play with the current version here.

If you have a MIDI controller of some sort plugged in, it'll probably work for playing notes. Otherwise you can click on the screen, or on a qwerty keyboard a-k for C4-C5 with w-e and t-u as semitones will work too.

I've not tried to make this work in anything other than latest Chrome. It seems to somewhat work in Firefox, but I think its Web MIDI support involves a plugin that I haven't tried.


I'm trying to do this completely without dependencies or a build step of any kind, because this is supposed to be fun and I find build tools extraordinarily un-fun.

Thanks to browser-native module loading, so far the only real things I miss are:

  • TypeScript
  • Tests

But then again it's only tiny still.

I plan (when I'm very bored) to have a go at frameworkless in-browser testing along these lines.


Big ol list o' features:


  • Plays a tone
  • Plays fully-voiced tones (all stops pulled out)
  • Full polyphony
  • Percussion
  • Chorus
  • Vibrato
  • Drawbar foldback
  • Accurate tonewheel waveforms (lower wheels are closer to square waves)
  • Harmonic leakage


  • Browser input
    • Single manual
    • Drawbars
    • Two manuals with drawbars
    • On/off switch (oooh)
  • Computer keyboard input
  • MIDI input
    • Keyboard support
    • Drawbar mapping
    • Octave switching (I don't know how to use my controller yet)
