
UrbanEngineApi is a simple application built using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Urban Engine API

Build Status License

Code Status

Due to the pandemic Urban Engine is no longer holding CoWorking Night on a weekly basis. CoWorking Night is now held once a month and all scheduling is done via Google Calendar; therefore, this project is no longer needed. However, this code will be publicly archived for reference in the event any devs want to see how we planning to to handle this use case.

Configuration and Deployment

This section outlines information relating to configuring or deploying the UrbanEngineApi application.

Provisioning Resources in Azure

For provisioning resources in Azure the following script is available if running locally:

From the root directory run the following command in PowerShell:

& ./scripts/UrbanEngineApi-deploy-azure.ps1

NOTE: You will need Azure PowerShell installed if you want to run this script. Documentation on this is available at Install Azure PowerShell.

Accessing Configuration Secrets

Storing secrets in Development environment

In your local development environment most configuration settings will be managed via UserSecrets in a local secrets.json file. The Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets NuGet package enables this for us. There is a script located in scripts/set-secrets-local.ps1 that will set this up in your local development environment.

From the root folder of this repository run the following command in PowerShell:

& ./scripts/set-secrets-local.ps1

You may be prompted to specify certain values such as the database password.

Storing secrets in Production

In production we will be using Azure KeyVault to store secrets. The set-secrets-prod.ps1 script can be used to set the configuration values in the KeyVault. This script will affect production; therefore, please be sure to only run this when ready.

From the root folder of this repository run the following command in PowerShell:

& ./scripts/set-secrets-prod.ps1

Also NOTE: In the appsettings.json the setting KeyVaultName indicates the name of the KeyVault to use. Again, please make sure this settings is correct before deploying to production.

Updating Configuration Values

Be sure to update the set-secrets-local.ps1 and set-secrets-prod.ps1 scripts with any additional settings you add to the project. You can store any configuration values as secrets, they do not necessarily have to be just secrets.

DEV Notes

This section will contain any notes to be aware of for developing Urban Engine API


To make things consistent objects in the Results folder are used. Use this to return responses from API endpoints to provide consistent return types

  • FailureResult: used to indicate a failure occurred, for example an exception was thrown
  • CommandResult: used to indicate result of a command such as an Insert, Update, Delete
  • QueryResult: used to indicate result of a query that was performed, returns data and paging information if applicable

Exception Handling for API Controllers

To provide a common response when exceptions occur and to ensure exceptions are logged and sensitive error messages are not returned to the client an exception handler is added in the Startup.cs file. This allows the capture of any exceptions thrown by controller endpoints without having to add try/catch and logging statements in your controllers themselves.


// see Configure method in Startup.cs
app.UseExceptionHandler(errorApp =>
    errorApp.Run(async context =>
        // ...see implementation details in Startup.cs file...


When the UrbanEngineApi starts up it is currently set to call Migrate to update the database. Whether this is run or not is controll by an Environment Variable called APPLY_MIGRATIONS and if this is set to the value of True then Migrations will be applied on application start up. This is good to have turned on for any development or testing environments but should be disabled in Production and applied only when expected. To see the code where migrations are run go to the Program.cs file in the UrbanEngineApi project and look for the CreateOrMigrateDatabase method.

EF Migrations

  1. Open a command prompt

  2. cd to the src\UrbanEngine.Infrastructure directory

  3. In the command window type dotnet ef --help to ensure you have the dotnet ef tool installed

  4. If EF tools are not installed you'll need to install them using

    dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
  5. Run the following command, change the <yourmigrationname> to be a name to indicate what is going into this migration

     dotnet ef migrations add <yourmigrationname> --startup-project ../UrbanEngine.Web/UrbanEngine.Web.csproj --project UrbanEngine.Infrastructure.csproj --output-dir Data/Migrations

If working with the local SQL Lite database you'll have to delete the *.db file first as well

Seed Data

The SeedDataGenerator is used to seed the database with any initial data. Use this to add any data that should always be present in the database

Running the dev database locally

A docker compose file exists to help spin up a docker container that runs PostgresSQL. Follow the steps to run the database locally in your dev environment.

  1. Open a command prompt

  2. cd to the UrbanEngineApi directory

  3. Ensure that Docker is running

  4. Run the following command

    & scripts\start-postgres-local.ps1
  5. Open pgAdmin and ensure you can connect to the database locally

  6. To stop the database when you are finished run the following

    & scripts\stop-postgres-local.ps1

How to setup a new workflow

(Step 1) - Create your entity

  1. Go to the UrbanEngine.Core project
  2. Go to Entities folder
  3. Create a new Entity to model what this will look like in the database, use the naming convention of suffix name of entity with Entity
  4. Make sure your class inherits from UrbanEngine.SharedKernel.Data.EntityBase
  5. Add any additional properties to your entity

(Step 2) - Create the mapping for EF

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Infrastructure project
  2. Go to Data\Configuration
  3. Create a new Configuration for EF Core
  4. Inherit from EntityBaseConfiguration
  5. Override the Configure method and add in any mappings
  6. NOTE: inheriting from EntityBaseConfiguration will map the table, primary key, and any common properties from EntityBase
  7. Be sure to make the class internal

(Step 3) - Create the repository

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Infrastructure project
  2. Go to `Data\Repository
  3. Create a new repository for your entity
  4. Inherit from EfRepository<T>
  5. Add a constructor that inherits from base

(Step 4) - Generate Migrations

  1. This step can come when you are completely done modeling your entity but should happen before you create a pull request.
  2. Follow the steps at EF Migrations
  3. Go to UrbanEngine.Web project and right click, go to properties. Click Debug, If it does not already exist add an environment variable APPLY_MIGRATIONS and set the value to be true
  4. Make sure your database is running locally
  5. Run the UrbanEngine.Web project
  6. Go to pgAdmin and ensure your changes are refelected

Explore other options with dotnet ef tools for additional options

(Step 5) - Creating Specification and Filter

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Core
  2. Under Specifications create a new Specification
  3. Inherit from BaseSpecification<T>
  4. Create an interface for filtering, this is passed to the constructor of your Specification class
  5. Add any properties to the filter class that you would use to search on
  6. Look at other Specification classes for examples

(Step 6) - Create the Manager

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Core
  2. Go to Managers folder and create a new folder for your manager
  3. Name the new class with the convetion suffix the name with Manager
  4. Inherit from the ManagerBase<TEntity> base class
  5. Also add an associated interface for this manager and implement that
  6. Your interace should inherit from IManager<TEntity>
  7. In the manager class generate the constructor that inherits from base

(Step 7) - Add the Models (aka DTOs)

  1. Go to UrganEngine.Core
  2. Under the Models folder create a new folder to store you models
  3. Create a both a list DTO and a detail DTO
  4. Use the convention to suffix with DetailDTO and ListItemDTO
  5. Enter the necessary properties for each DTO. The ListItemDTO is only a few properties and what you need to see a list of that entity. The detail DTO gives you all the details about the DTO
  6. You can use your associated Entity to help define the properties you need. This is also a good place to do any transformations before sending to UI
  7. Remove any properties from the DTO that you don't want to expose to outside callers

(Step 8) - Add the Message

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Core
  2. Under the Messages folder create a new folder associated with the messages you are creating
  3. Typically you will have 4 messages if implementing CRUD operations for your entity
  4. Examples (rename entity to be your entity)
    1. DeleteEntityMessage
    2. GetEntityByIdMessage
    3. GetEntityMessage
    4. SaveEntityMessage
  5. Each message will implement the Mediatr IRequest interface passing in the expected output to receive when the message is processed
  6. Look at other messages for examples how each of these should be laid out. The idea behind a message is you are defining the inputs to be processed for some associated action

(Step 9) - Add the Handler

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Core
  2. Under the Handlers folder create a new folder associated with the handlers you are creating
  3. Typically you will have a handler per message you need to process. So, if implementing CRUD operations you may have 4 handlers
  4. Examples (rename entity to be your entity)
    1. DeleteEntityHandler
    2. GetEntityByIdHandler
    3. GetEntityHandler
    4. SaveEntityHandler
  5. Each Handler will implement the Mediatr IRequestHandler and specify the type of message your handler is to process and the expected output to return. The output must match the same output specified in your message for IRequest
  6. Look at other handlers for examples how each of these should be laid out. The idea behind the handler is you are defining the logic to perform when a certain message is received
  7. Your handler should have the associated manager passed in via dependency injection to this class

(Step 10) - Update Configuration

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Web
  2. Go to Configuration\AutoMapperProfile
  3. You will need to add a mapping for each entity to the associated DTO
  4. Go Startup.cs, we need to add in Dependency Injection in the ConfigureServices method to register your repository and manager

(Step 11) - Add the Controller

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Web
  2. Under the Controllers folder add a new API Controller
  3. Look at other Controllers for examples how this should be implemented
  4. An important note is that you should pass in IMediator as dependency and let your controller endpoints receive messages and publish to Mediatr to process
  5. Make sure your controller inherits from ControllerBase
  6. Run UrbanEngine.Web and hit swagger and test your your controller. If everything is wired up correctly you should be able to test out everything end to end

(Step 12) - Add the Unit Tests

  1. Go to UrbanEngine.Tests
  2. Under the appropriate folder create a new Tests class.
  3. Look at existing examples for how this should be implemented.
  4. Create in your test class a private class called DefaultScope that inherits from TestScope<T> where T is the class you want to write the test for
  5. In the constructor of the DefaultScope mock any dependencies that your instance needs. For unit tests, all external dependencies should be mocked.
  6. Create test methods and decorate them with this attribute [TestMethod, TestCategory(TestCategory.Unit)]
  7. Make sure a test has only one assertion and is testing one thing. Create multiple tests for different assertions.
  8. Follow the Arrange/Act/Assert pattern for writing your tests.
  9. Inside your test, create an instance of DefaultScope and use the InstanceUnderTest for testing your unit.
  10. Use TestExplorer to execute your tests.

Upcoming TODO

  • Write additional Unit Tests
  • Recurring Events
  • Authentication
  • Authorization