
For configuration and orchestration of uo-data-box @ https://github.com/urbanobservatory/uo-data-box

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Urban Observatory Data Skeleton

This a skeleton repo for configuring and orchestrating Urban Observatory In a Box federated network of sensors and services. This codebase is based on implementations instrumented at The Newcastle Urban Observatory.


This code is work in progress and experimental.


This repository is used for spinning up Urban Observatory services. It uses uo-data-box as codebase and .env & *.sh files for controlling docker-compose files and various other scripts.


uo-data-skeleton has been developed by:

  • Aare Puussaar (Newcastle University)


  • Luke Smith (Newcastle University)


NOTE! This guide assumes that both uo-data-box and uo-data-skeleton are checked out on the installation VM(s). UO-INSTANCE is referred to as application or instance andUO-BROKERS are referred to as list broker environments to provide brokerage for, separated by a dot (e.g. BROKER.RunService1, BROKER.RunService2).


All the services in uo-data-box and /shared are configures using deployment specific .env variables files located in /config which are loaded in using service(s) scripts.

# use example to create your UO-INSTANCE configuration
cp config/instance.env.example config/${UO-INSTANCE}.env


NOTE! Variables services need different set of variables to start. When connecting to database using docker networks you MUST use container_name (UO_DB_HOST variable) and default port to connect. If changing default UO_*_AMQP_USERNAME, UO_*_QUEUE or UO_BROKER_EXCHANGE_COV variables, RabbitMQ definitions.json file needs to be changed manually.

Name Usage Values
UO_INSTANCE The instance name of deployment example city
UO_DOMAIN The deployment domain/location example newcastle
UO_HOST The hostname of the UO installation example urbanobservatory.ac.uk
UO_QUEUE_HOST The hostname of your rabbitmq
UO_DATA_HOST The hostname of your database
UO_WEB_HOST The hostname of your webservice
UO_WEB_FILE_BASE The base URL of your file service
UO_API_BASE The base URL of your api service
UO_API_URL_EXCLUSIONS The variable for stripping URLs for api service Example '"Urban Sciences Building: "+"Floor 1: "'*
UO_API_RESTRICT_KEY The key for restricting data from api service Example 0a8e3548-0110-474f-8e23-f5322aed344c**
UO_WEBSOCKET_SERVER_PORT The stream websocket port
UO_DB_ORGANISATION The organisation of your database example uo
UO_DB_SYSTEM The system of your database example city
TABLE_PREFIX The table prefix of your database example ${UO_DB_ORGANISATION}_${UO_DB_SYSTEM}_
POSTGRES_DB The name of your database example ${UO_DB_ORGANISATION}-${UO_DB_SYSTEM}
POSTGRES_USER The username for your database example uo-admin
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The password for your database *******
POSTGRES_PORT The port number for your database example 5432
UO_DB_HOST The docker hostname of your database default ${UO_INSTANCE}-timescaledb
UO_DB_PORT The docker port of your database default 5432
UO_DB_NAME The docker name of your database default ${POSTGRES_DB}
UO_DB_USER The docker username for your database default ${POSTGRES_USER}
UO_DB_PASS The docker password for your database default ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}
DB_TYPE The type of your database (for backups) default timescale
DB_BACKUP_MONITOR_PORT The backup monitor port example 8084
DIFF_SCHEDULE The schedule to run the diff backup on * * * * *
SCHEMA_SCHEDULE The schedule to run the schema backup on (optional)
FULL_SCHEDULE The schedule to run the full backup on (optional)
RABBITMQ_HOST The hostname of your rabbitmq default ${UO_QUEUE_HOST}
RABBITMQ_NODENAME The nodename of your rabbitmq instance default uo-${UO_INSTANCE}@rabbitmq
RABBITMQ_PORT_ADMIN The admin UI port of your rabbitmq example 5672
RABBITMQ_PORT_DATA The data port of your rabbitmq example 15672
RABBITMQ_PORT_MONITOR The monitor port of your rabbitmq example 15692
UO_MASTER_BROKER_AMQP_HOST The storage queue hostname default ${RABBITMQ_HOST}
UO_MASTER_BROKER_AMQP_PORT The storage queue port default ${RABBITMQ_PORT_DATA}
UO_MASTER_BROKER_AMQP_USERNAME The storage queue username default store
UO_MASTER_BROKER_AMQP_PASSWORD The storage queue password *******
UO_MASTER_BROKER_AMQP_QUEUE The storage queue name default uo.master.store
UO_BROKER_AMQP_HOST The broker service queue name default ${RABBITMQ_HOST}
UO_BROKER_AMQP_PORT The broker service queue port default ${RABBITMQ_PORT_DATA}
UO_BROKER_AMQP_USERNAME The broker service queue username default broker
UO_BROKER_AMQP_PASSWORD The broker service queue password *******
UO_BROKER_EXCHANGE_COV The broker service exchange name default uo.raw
UO_BROKER_CONFIGURATION The broker service feeds config name example IMG.OpenFeeds
UO_BROKER_CONFIGURATION_USERNAME The broker service basic auth username (optional) example uo
UO_BROKER_CONFIGURATION_PASSWORD The broker service basic auth password (optional) *******
UO_BROKER_CONFIGURATION_PORT The broker service server port (optional) default 8080
UO_BROKER_CONFIGURATION_API_USERNAME The broker service API auth username (optional) example uo
UO_BROKER_CONFIGURATION_API_PASSWORD The broker service API auth password (optional) *******
UO_STREAM_AMQP_HOST The stream service queue hostname default ${RABBITMQ_HOST}
UO_STREAM_AMQP_PORT The stream service queue port default ${RABBITMQ_PORT_DATA}
UO_STREAM_AMQP_USERNAME The broker service queue username default stream
UO_STREAM_AMQP_PASSWORD The broker service queue password *******
UO_STREAM_QUEUE The broker service queue name default uo.master.stream
CODE_BASE_DIR The location of the uo-data-box codebase default ../uo-data-box
FILE_SERVICE_DIR The location of the public files to serve default ../../${CODE_BASE_DIR}/archive/public
BACKUP_DIR The location of database backups default /srv/backup

* UO_API_URL_EXCLUSIONS purpose is to strip the provided phrases from the algorithm that generates URLs, so for example an entity called "Urban Sciences Building: Floor 1" becomes simply /sensors/entity/floor-1/. ** UO_API_RESTRICT_KEY is bespoke variable used in one of UO deployments to restrict data access on the API.

Building master image:

./build.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} [docker-compose options]

DB service:

./db-service.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} start [docker-compose options]

Queue services:

NOTE! Queue services use RabbitMQ configuration from definitions.json which is injected with passwords from .env variables on service startup and copied to uo-data-box codebase next to rabbitmq compose file. See the template configuration in /config. Also make sure to check if exposed ports are not already taken on host before running.

./queue-services.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} start [docker-compose options]

Data services:

./data-services.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} start [docker-compose options]

Broker services:

NOTE! check if exposed service port is not already taken on host before running. Codebase includes an example of UTMC services that requires a custom docker-compose file. It uses proprietary image in the pipeline, but it is still included as example of broker configuration.

./broker-services.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} ${UO-BROKERS} start [docker-compose options]

Web services (APIs, streams, docs):

# create additional networks if needed
docker network create web # used as traefik network
docker network create ${UO-INSTANCE}-stream
docker network create ${UO-INSTANCE}-api

./web-services.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} start [docker-compose options]

NOTE! Current docker compose setup for web services is using Traefik 1.7 as a reverse proxy to assign services endpoints and deal with API rate limits. That means that traefik needs to be installed an started in the container on network called web.

File service (hosting uploaded files on web):

# user .env variable as file path that is being exposed using nginx
./file-service.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} start [docker-compose options]

Backup service

# add backup folders to your host machine, for example:
mkdir -p /srv/backup/${UO-INSTANCE}/data # add backup data location
mkdir -p /srv/backup/${UO-INSTANCE}/cache # add diff cache location

./backup-service-new.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} start [docker-compose options]

Monitor services (web and data):

./monitor-services.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} {data|web}


Cluster data

./cluster-data.sh ${UO-INSTANCE}

Analyse data

./analyse-data.sh ${UO-INSTANCE}


Filter data

# uses start, end date and storage table names as command line arguments
./filter-data.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} start_date end_date uo_data_real [uo_data_int uo_data_bool uo_data_string uo_data_json]

Restore backup data

# table=restore normal tables, data=restore data (hyper) tables
# filespath is the location of backup files (for folder /* is needed)
./restore-data.sh ${UO-INSTANCE} {tables|data|temp} filespath
# also creates a logfile (in the same directory) of fails when restoring files


UO DATA SKELETON is provided under MIT:

Copyright (c), 2021 Urban Observatory at Newcastle University, Aare Puussaar, Luke Smith


Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Future Ideas

  • add configurable queue name and user variables
  • multiple broker authentication handling for endpoints
  • implement API key keys