
Welcome! If you are watching my AudioKit tutorial on my YouTube channel and are trying to download the necessary starting files to build your project, you have come to the right place! These are the files from the app we built in the first tutorial. In the first tutorial, we learned how to place a piano keyboard on the iPhone screen. In tutorial #3, we will learn how to actually create sound out of this piano keyboard. Enjoy!

Original Article Where Project Came From:

Eric Ford: Building a MIDI Music App for iOS in Swift

Please follow the following steps for your project to function:

  1. Download the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store
  2. Download the project by clicking the green "Clone or download" button and select "Download ZIP"
  3. Go to the official Audio Kit Website -
  4. Click on the AudioKit-iOS-{VERSION}.zip link to download the latest version of AudioKit frameworks
  5. Go to your downloads folder and unzip the file "AudioKit-iOS-{VERSION}.zip"
  6. Click on the new folder called "AudioKit-iOS"
  7. Once the folder is open, copy the files "AudioKit.framework" and "AudioKitUI.framework"
  8. Return to your downloads folder and unzip the file ""
  9. Open the new folder called "AudioKit-Tutorial-Starting-Files-master"
  10. Open the folder called "Piano"
  11. Paste the files "AudioKit.framework" and "AudioKitUI.framework"
  12. Download FluidR3 GM.sf2
  13. Go to your downloads folder and copy the file "FluidR3 GM.sf2"
  14. Open the folder "AudioKit-Tutorial-Starting-Files-master" again
  15. Open the "Piano" folder again
  16. Paste the file "FluidR3 GM.sf2"
  17. Double check what files and folders you see:
  • You should see:
    • AudioKit.framework
    • AudioKitUI.framework
    • Piano (folder)
    • Piano.xcodeproj
    • PianoTests (folder)
    • PianoUITests (folder)
    • FluidR3 GM.sf2
    • 4573174876.jpg
  1. Open the file "Piano.xcodeproj"
  2. Xcode will warn you that this project was downloaded from the internet. If you're sure the project is safe, click the Open button to open the project.
  3. Build the project to check for errors
  4. If you recieve an error, please leave it in the issues section of my AudioKit-Tutorial-Starting-Files repository, and I or someone else will do our best to help you