
Extra Backbone/Express/MongoDB Project for HR's 2015 Holiday Break

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HR Yearbook


  • Use npm install to grab all the required node modules
  • npm start and npm run dev are simple wrappers for node server/server.js and nodemon server/server.js, respectively

Basic Requirements

  • Populate your Students collection with the .fetch method by hitting our mini-student data API at https://hr-yearbook.herokuapp.com/api/
  • Use the included router to create a 'cohort/:cohortNumber' route that will populate the view with the correct cohort members
  • Display the each cohort's students in a visually appealing way

Advanced Requirements

  • Create a loading image that is removed when your collections finish updating
  • Animate the HR logo with pure CSS or JS
  • Create an information window or additional subviews that do or displays something useful (or silly!) when a user clicks on or mouses over a student

Nightmare Mode

  • Create a 'profile wall' subview for each student that allows users to leave comments
  • Persist those comments via your local mongo database

API Endpoints

  • Will be removed after the break, so be warned!


  • URL: '/api/students'
  • Accepts (optional) query parameters for students' name, cohort, image, and id
  • Query Params: name=Strig, cohort=Number, image=String, id=Number

Students by ID

  • URL: '/api/students/:id'
  • URL Params: id=Number

All of a cohort's students by cohort number

  • URL: '/api/cohort/:cohort'
  • URL Params: cohort=Number