
Java and Cucumber skeletons.

MIT LicenseMIT

Getting started

First time I used this to install all dependencies:

ant -Divy=true -Dgems=true

After that I run ant to run the cucumber scenarios.


  • Ivy
  • Ant


How to install Ivy

  1. Checkout the project

    svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ant/ivy/core/trunk ivy

  2. Build Ivy with Ant

    cd ivy ant jar

  3. Marry Ant with Ivy

Given ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant, copy the ivy jar to the ANT_HOME/lib.

cp build/artifact/org.apache.ivy_2.2.0.final_20101013172528.jar $ANT_HOME/lib/


Check out duke4cuke. They've got lots more examples and stuff.