
These are snippets for the yasnippet plugin used with emacs.


In short: follow the installation from yasnippet, and add those four lines to your emacs config.

Get yasnippet

Tested with yasnippet 0.6.1c.

But check out the documentation and the recent bundle on

Follow their installation for yasnippet, if you haven't got it already.

For me it turned out, that a new version is awesome, because of the yas/new-snippet command, which helps you creating snippets and storing them to your yas/root-directory.

Set your yas/root-directory

;; Develop and keep personal snippets under ~/.emacs.d/mysnippets
(setq yas/root-directory "~/emacs.d/mysnippets")
;; Load the snippets
(yas/load-directory yas/root-directory)