
Monthly active developer metrics

Primary LanguageClojure

Monthly Active Developers

This repository contains the source code used to generate our metrics on monthly active developer activity. Here's a brief overview of how it works:

src/main.clj contains logic that fetches all commits from the set of GitHub repositories defined in src/data.clj and loads them into a PostgreSQL database for analysis.

sql/ga-developers.sql is drawn from Tribe Capital's Growth Accounting framework and slightly modified for our purposes.

resources/d3/mad.html is what we use to generate a visualization. The fonts referenced in this file and used in the visualization are not open source and are thus not included.

NOTE: This code is messy and intended for our own internal use. You can run it if you're familiar with Clojure and can set up a local Postgres database. Feel free to reach out to ~wolref-podlex if you need assistance.