
Compilers - Course of the 8th semester of the Electrical and Computer Engineering school, National Technical University of Athens.

Primary LanguageOCaml

Grace Compiler


Implementing a compiler for the programming language Grace, during the lesson "Compilers" in the 4th year of our studies in the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens.


Grace Programming Language

  • Short-circuiting: When the result of a logical operation can be evaluated just by the first argument, the second argument is not evaluated.

  • Function overloading: Function overloading cannot happen in the range of one scope, but two functions can share the same name and/or signature if they are defined in different scopes.

  • Function declarations and definitions: A function declaration must always be followed by its corresponding function definition. The parameters of a function's declaration and definition must match types and can not match names.

For more information about the technicalities of the Grace programming language, see the grace2023.pdf file.

Grace compiler

  • Take grace program from standard input and print the intermediate or the final code to standard output.

  • Perform optimizations on the intermediate and the final code.

  • Provide informative error messages due to lexical, syntactic or semantic errors.

Getting started


The packages needed to build the compiler are the ones below:

  • opam/2.1.4
  • ocamlfind/1.9.5
  • menhir/20231231
  • menhirLib/20231231
  • llvm/14.0.6
  • clang
  • gcc


# Build compiler
make depend

# Remove object files (unnecessary files)
make clean

# Same as 'make clean', but also removes the executable program (./grace)
make distclean


./grace [-O] [-i | -f] filename
    -O Optimizaztion flag
    -f Read from stdin, assembly code to stdout
    -i Read from stdin, intermediate code to stdout
    -help Display this list of options
    --help Display this list of options

Note: If neither of -i and -f flags are set, the compiler creates in the directory of the .grc file a .imm and a .asm file, which contain the intermediate and the final code, respectively.


To compile a simple hello-world program, run:

./grace examples/helloworld.grc

To run your program execute:




  • Dimitrios Vassiliou
  • Ioannis Giannoukos