
Polymer documentation viewer elements

Primary LanguageHTML

Build status Published on webcomponents.org


A collection of elements that display documentation about custom elements, mixins, classes, and more using the JSON descriptor format produced by Polymer Analyzer.

You may also be interested in <iron-component-page>, which composes the iron-doc elements into a more complete documentation browser.


  • <iron-doc-nav> Show a table-of-contents.
  • <iron-doc-viewer> Manage routing and delegate to a child doc element.
  • <iron-doc-element> Show docs about a custom element.
  • <iron-doc-behavior> Show docs about a Polymer behavior.
  • <iron-doc-namespace> Show docs about a JavaScript namespace.
  • <iron-doc-class> Show docs about a JavaScript class.
  • <iron-doc-mixin> Show docs about a JavaScript mixin.


<iron-doc-viewer> handles URL routing to provide permanent addresses for all locations in the documentation tree, including scroll anchor targets.

By default it uses the URL fragment for routing (e.g. docs.html#/elements/my-element#property-foo), in order to support simple static file hosts.

To use the real URL path for routing, set the base-href property to the server mount point, omitting the trailing slash (e.g. /api/docs or empty string for the root path). Note that this requires a host that serves the application from all paths that should be handled by the doc viewer.


The iron-doc elements come with an optional material-design default theme that must be explicitly included as custom style:

<link rel="import" href="../iron-doc-viewer/default-theme.html">

  <style is="custom-style" include="iron-doc-default-theme"></style>

The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property Description Default
--iron-doc-accent-color Color for emphasis (e.g. hyperlink hover). #1565c0
--iron-doc-font-body Mixin applied to non-code text. {}
--iron-doc-font-code Mixin applied to code snippets. {}
--iron-doc-title Mixin applied to page titles. {}
--iron-doc-heading Mixin applied to section headings. {}

Previous versions

The 3.x iron-doc elements described here have major breaking changes versus the 1.x and 2.x versions. Previous versions were based on Hydrolysis, the predecessor to Polymer Analyzer. Hydrolysis is no longer maintained and does not support analysis of Polymer 2 elements.

If you still need the previous version, see the 2.x branch.