
enrich your text with links to openly available copies of cited works

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Linqr - Commonify your links

Linqr is a citation assistant. It helps a user enrich their citations in several ways:

  • by improving the accessibility of sources (inserting links to unpaywalled content),
  • by increasing the precision of links (option to link to cited text),
  • by adding two-directionality to them (option to link back from the cited text),
  • by increasing the linguistic diversity of cited works.

Demo. More info.


Install zotero translation-server and run it on port 1969:

docker pull zotero/translation-server
docker run -d -p 1969:1969 --rm zotero/translation-server

Install zotero citeproc-js-server and run it on port 8085:

docker pull librecat/citeproc-node
docker run -d -p 8085:8085 -t myciteproc


To be able to use Linqr with hypothes.is (for deep and bi-directional linking) create keys.py inside the app directory and add save two variables in it:

hypo_api_token = 'your api tokern'
hypo_account = 'your hypothesis username'

The code on the master branch is set up to run behind a (nginx) proxypass at /linqr. To change this adjust the gunicorn SCRIPT_NAME setting in the Dockerfile accordingly.

In any case ...

docker-compose up -d --build

... will start the app at port 9900.

Add this to sites-enabled in nginx (minimal example):

location /linqr/ {


Known issues

Linqr is in beta. Issues are to be expected at this point. Report them here. Some are conscious omissions due to temporal limitations and are thus worth mentioning in advance:

  • The layout/design/pagination of the uploaded texts is not kept and reproduced in the output.
  • Very long queries time out.
  • When open, neighbouring tooltips overlap.


The code is licensed under GPLv3. Commercial use forbidden without explicit consent.