
Custom plugins written for Kong API Gateway

Primary LanguageLua


Available plugins


Lua plugin, which, based on the message returned by the Kong core logic or higher priority plugins, maps the error to a new one (hardcoded in logic) and returns that one in the response payload instead. Could be easily modified to read messages from database.

How to install plugins

The plugin must reside in the right folder, so Kong is aware of the plugin. Also you must update the plugins config to tell Kong which plugin to load up on boot.

Example for Docker: to copy files with kong:0.14.1 as a base image use the following command to copy a plugin to the right location:

COPY error-transformer/ /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/error-transformer/

Then enable it in the config, either in kong.conf by setting plugins field or setting environment variable KONG_PLUGINS to:


Run Docker Compose locally

To set up Kong environment locally set up Kong using docker-compose, which will set up database, run database migrations and spin up a Kong instance.

docker-compose up

# Get container name
docker ps

# Get IP of the container (change <container-name>, normally it'd be kongplugins_kong-test_1)
docker inspect <container-name> | grep IPAddress

# Use the IP to access Kong Admin API
curl -X GET http://<Kong-IP>:8001

# Use the IP to access Kong Proxy
curl -X GET https://<Kong-IP>:8443 --insecure