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Urho3D website

The content on Urho3D website is an integral part of Urho3D project. Most of the content is auto-generated from the Urho3D main repository, specifically from the 'Doc' directory. Contributors should make content changes in the Urho3D main repository instead of here. Only contributions related to website design and layout should be made here.


The design, layout, and look-and-feel of Urho3D website are not licensed for use and may not be used on any site, personal or commercial, without prior written consent from the web designer and author.

The content on Urho3D website is released under the same terms of the Urho3D project, under the MIT license.

See license.txt for details.


See humans.txt for all the persons and teams who have contributed either directly or indirectly for Urho3D website.