Brute is a package that generates combinations of various characters.
For example, Brute can generate the combinations for the set {a b c}
Brute.generic(?a..?c, 1..3)
Will generate something similar to the following: a, b , c, ..., z, aa, ab, ..., zy, zz, ... aaa, aab, ..., zzy, zzz.
There is no order guarantee within set-length.
Since most functions in Brute
return a stream, they can combined with other
operations. For example, calculating a hash:
|> Brute.generic(1..20)
|> str ->
:crypto.hash(:sha, str) |> Base.encode16
def deps do
[{:brute, "~> 0.1.0"}]
If you are using Elixir 1.3 or lower you will also need to add brute
to your applications.
def application do
[ ... applications: [ ..., :brute ] ]
- Benchmarks
- Caching combinations