Welcome to AwesomeSite, a video hosting inspired web app, focused on providing lifting feedback around the world!

Get your wallet ready, and back your favorite projects!

If nothing catches your eye, create your own project!

This site was made using React, React-Redux, Flask .

Users can:

  • upload a video
  • comment on a video
  • search for videos


  • Videos will belong to a certain category
  • Each video has a:
    • Owner
    • Title
    • Description
    • Category
  • Videos can be commented on
  • Videos can be favorited or made private


  • Each category has a:
    • Title
  • All videos belonging to a category


  • Each comment has :
    • comment text
    • Commenter Id
    • Video Id

Code Snippets:

  • [insert code snippets]

Features to be added:

  • Everything

Bonus Features:

  • Users can like comments
  • Users can like videos
  • Users can save videos
