Existing Google Places API java source implemented for a special query purpose.
Before start using it, you've got to obtain an API key. Visit the developer's guide for more information.
Drop the googleplaces.jar in the lib folder of your Android project.
In order to mismatching issues, I've moved out the Android Support V4 from libs folder (libs/android-support-v4.jar). As a best practice, keep in mind that you might want to include it on your own project instead of the Google Places Android one.
Some Examples:
Sending a search request
GooglePlaces googlePlaces = new GooglePlaces("Your API Key");
PlacesResult result = googlePlaces.getPlaces("restaurant", 500, -20.28142, -40.301564);
PlacesResult result = googlePlaces.getPlaces("dinner", "meal", 500, -20.28142, -40.301564);
PlacesResult result = googlePlaces.getPlaces("hamburger", -20.28142, -40.301564);
Sending a Place Details request
Place somePlace = result.getPlaces().get(0);
DetailsResult detailsResult = googlePlaces.getPlaceDetails(somePlace.getReference());