
Just playing with vanilla JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


www.flickr.com is a known photo sharing site. flickr provides a well-documented API for exploring photos and other tasks. Your goal in this exercise is to create an HTML/javascript application that will use this public feed:

http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne ,and show the thumbnails images as a gallery.

Each item should include the following information:

The thumbnail. Link to the photo page. The title of the image. The author. Date taken.

  • Clicking on the author’s name should reload the gallery with the author’s photos only.

Notes !important:

  • Use the Flickr documentation.
  • No need for api key
  • Take into consideration the UI design and the usability of the page.
  • Using no js/css framework.
  • Pay attention to your coding style and code-design/Patterns.
  • Responsiveness (like mobile appearance) - (Good to have)
  • Think of scalability/ how to make your code useful for other people (like open source code) (Bonus)
  • Let me know how much time it took ya
  • Try to surprise me - like UI/features/methodologic (Bonus)
  • Don't Build a server solution
  • Don't use XML for crying out loud