
Command-line calculator written in LUA

Primary LanguageLua


Command-line calculator written in LUA

  -i | --integer
    Converting the result to a decimal number

  -c | --console-output
    Console output

  pi - Is constant
  % - Remainder

  abs() - Convert to a positive number

  acos() - Inverse cosine, result in radians
  asin() - Inverse sine, result in radians
  atan() - Arc tangent in radians

  ceil() - Rounding up
  floor() - Rounding down
  round() - Rounding to the nearest integer

  sin() - Sine in radians
  cos() - Cosine in radians
  tan() - Tangent in radians

  deg() - From radians to degrees
  rad() - From degrees to radians

  log() - Returns the opposite value. exp(1) returns e
  log10() - Common logarithm
  exp() - Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of val
  sqrt() - Returns the square root

  max() - Return the maximum number from the given arguments
  min() - Returns the minimum number from the given arguments

  sign - Will return 1, 0, -1 depending on the original argument
  random - Generates a pseudo-random number, it is possible to specify a range (1, 10)

  calc -c '(30/100) * 100'
  calc -c 'ceil(0.65) * 10'
  calc -c 'sin(pi/2)'
  calc -c 'deg(pi*2)'
  calc -i -c 'abs(-100) / 3'


  1. git clone https://github.com/uriid1/lua-calc/
  2. cd lua-calc
  3. chmod +x install
  4. sh install
  5. Done


rm ~/.local/bin/calc