
🕥 Just right date time library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Qrono - 🕥 Just right date time library

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qrono('2021-08-31 12:34').plus({ month: 1 }).isSame(qrono('2021-09-30 12:34'))
qrono('2021-08-31 12:34') < qrono('2021-09-30 12:34')
qrono({ localtime: true }, '2021-08-31 12:34').toString() === '2021-08-31T12:34.000-04:00'

🎨 Design philosophy | 📥 Getting started | 🚀 Quick tour | 🌏 License

Design philosophy 🎨

  • Provides immutable and chain-able functions that are necessary in most cases.
  • Locality-Agnostic.
  • Supports only UTC (as default) and local time of the environment.
    • Other libraries tend to have bigger code base and complicated usage to support multiple time zones and locales.
    • In most cases, it is enough to support only the time zone of the client environment. The Luxon's explanation is right to the point.
  • Enables to handle ambiguous time of daylight saving time strictly.
    • This feature can be achieved thanks to the abandonment of support time zones and locales.
  • Follows ISO 8601.
  • Pure JavaScript without dependencies.
  • Moment.js
    It is a great library that is very widely used (it was the de-facto standard). It went into maintenance mode in 2020.
    It has a fundamental problem that its behavior as a mutable object is prone to bugs, and the later date-time libraries introduced below are all designed to be immutable.
  • Luxon
    An immutable and rich library created by the maintainers of Moment.js. Sophisticated and feature-rich. Good code base to explore.
    By default, it handles time in local time, and cannot strictly handle ambiguous times.
    It is different from other libraries in that the documentation clearly shows how it behaves with ambiguous time.
  • Day.js
    A Moment.js compatible library with a minimum size of 2KB, which has many GitHub stars and is becoming the de-facto standard. The code readability is not high.
    The code base is large due to time zone and locale support (178 source files as of 2021-11-02), but the effective size can be reduced if tree-shaking is available.
    Requires to import plugins each time because most of functions are provided as plugins.
    Planning a major version upgrade in the middle of solving the large number of issues.
  • date-fns
    As the name implies, it provides over 200 pure functions for manipulating JavaScript Date objects, implemented in TypeScript and tree-shaking enabled.
    Since the JavaScript Date object takes the lead, problems such as mutable, month starting at 0, etc. are inherited.
  • The ECMA TC39 Temporal Proposal
    An ECMAScript® API proposal that may become a future standard. The specification is rigorous, spectacular, and inspired by java.time.

Getting started 📥


<script src="path/to/qrono.min.js"></script>
<!-- from UNPKG -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/qrono/dist/qrono.min.js"></script>


npm install qrono
// as module
import { qrono } from 'qrono'
// or CommonJS
const { qrono } = require('qrono')

Quick tour 🚀


// now
// from various type of arguments
qrono('2022-12-31') // => 2022-12-31T00:00:00.000Z
qrono(new Date())
// followings are same 2022-12-31T15:23:11.321Z
qrono('2022-12-31 15:23:11.321')
qrono(2022, 12, 31, 15, 23, 11, 321)
qrono([2022, 12, 31, 15, 23, 11, 321])
qrono({ year: 2022, month: 12, day: 31, hour: 15, minute: 23, second: 11, millisecond: 321 })


const time = qrono(2022, 12, 31, 15, 23, 11, 321)
time.year()        // => 2022
time.month()       // => 12
time.day()         // => 31
time.hour()        // => 15
time.minute()      // => 23
time.second()      // => 11
time.millisecond() // => 321

time.second(0) // => returns new Qrono instance

Time zone

// UTC as default
qrono('2022-12-31 15:23:11.321').toString() // => "2022-12-31T15:23:11.321Z"
// set default to local time
qrono('2022-12-31 15:23:11.321').toString()     // => "2022-12-31T15:23:11.321-04:00"
qrono('2022-12-31 15:23:11.321').asUtc().hour() // => 11 as UTC
qrono('2022-12-31 15:23:11.321').hour()         // => 15 as local time


qrono('2000-01-01').numeric() // => 946,684,800,000 milliseconds from UNIX epoch
  === +qrono('2000-01-01')    // => true
const time = qrono('2000-01-02 03:04:05.006')
time.toObject()   // => { year: 2000, month: 1, day: 2, hour: 3, minute: 4, second: 5, millisecond: 6 }
time.toArray()    // => [2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
time.nativeDate() // => JavaScript native Date instance


qrono('2000-01-01 01:00:00.000') - qrono('2000-01-01') // => 3,600,000 milliseconds = 1 hour
qrono('2000-01-01 01:00:00.000') < qrono('2000-01-01') // => false
qrono('2000-01-01').plus(7200000).minus(3600000)       // => 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000Z
qrono('2000-01-01').minus({ hour: 1, minute: 30 })     // => 1999-12-31T22:30:00.000Z

const today = qrono()
const yesterday = today.minus({ day: 1 })
const tommorrow = today.plus({ day: 1 })
today.isBetween(yesterday, tommorrow) // => true


const time = qrono('2000-01-02 03:04:05.006')
time.startOfYear()   // => 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
time.startOfMonth()  // => 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
time.startOfDay()    // => 2000-01-02T00:00:00.000Z
time.startOfHour()   // => 2000-01-02T03:00:00.000Z
time.startOfMinute() // => 2000-01-02T03:04:00.000Z
time.startOfSecond() // => 2000-01-02T03:04:05.000Z
time.dayOfWeek()     // => 7 === qrono.sunday
time.dayOfYear()     // => 2
time.isLeapYear()    // => true
time.daysInMonth()   // => 31
time.daysInYear()    // => 366
// ISO week number. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
time.weeksInYear()   // => 52
time.weekOfYear()    // => 52
time.yearOfWeek()    // => 1999
// Daylight saving time stuff that is meaningful in case of local time
const localtime = time.asLocaltime()


qrono.date(...) returns a QronoDate instance with only date information.

Methods of QronoDate are almost compatible with those of Qrono.

qrono.date('2000-01-02').toString()       // => "2000-01-02"
qrono('2000-01-02 23:04:05.006').toDate() // => QronoDate instance 2000-01-02
qrono.date('2000-01-02').numeric()        // => 10958 days from UNIX epoch

License 🌏


Copyright (c) 2021 Urin