GIPHY clone made with Mern Stack and GIPHY SDK/API.
React, Styled-Components, Context-Hooks (deserves to be mentioned), Node, Express, MongoDB, Multer, Adorable Avatars, Jest, Bcrypt, and JWT.
API can be found here
Every user gets a unique avatar after registering for the app. Library here After registering, user can upload a new avatar/image. That image will be resized and converted to webp. There's a 2MB limit for images.
When a user registers, passwords get hashed before being saved to the database, and for each login, there's a new token assigned, for secure sessions.
App is created with CRA so scripts are same (react-scripts);
- npm run start; starts the app,
- npm run build; build,
- npm run test or npm t; running tests,
- npm run eject; ejects.