Object Zoom and Move Functionality

This project implements functionality to zoom in/out and move an object within a window using sliders. The sliders allow users to change the object's size and position both horizontally (X-axis) and vertically (Y-axis).

Live Demo: https://object-zoom-and-move-functionality.netlify.app/


  • The object expands or shrinks according to the size slider.
  • The slider has a minimum value of 0.25 (25%) and a maximum value of 2 (200%).
  • By default, the zoom is set to 100%.

Move X

  • The Left-Right slider changes the object's position along the X-axis relative to the window.
  • The slider has a minimum value of -0.9 (-90%) and a maximum value of 0.9 (90%).
  • At 100% zoom:
    • If the slider is at the leftmost position, 10% of the object will be visible on the left.
    • If the slider is at the rightmost position, 10% of the object will be visible on the right.

Move Y

  • The Up-Down slider changes the object's position along the Y-axis relative to the window.
  • The slider has a minimum value of -0.9 (-90%) and a maximum value of 0.9 (90%).
  • At 100% zoom:
    • If the slider is at the uppermost position, 10% of the object will be visible at the top.
    • If the slider is at the lowermost position, 10% of the object will be visible at the bottom.

Completed Tasks

  • The percent values of individual sliders are updated dynamically as the slider thumb is moved.
  • The Left-Right slider is fully functional, allowing horizontal movement of the object.
  • The Up-Down slider is fully functional, allowing vertical movement of the object.
  • The Zoom slider is fully functional, allowing zoom in/out between 25% and 200%.


  • To test the functionality:
    • Open the index.html file in a browser.
    • Use the sliders to adjust the zoom, X-axis, and Y-axis movement.
    • Observe the live updates of the object’s size and position according to slider changes.# Object-Zoom-and-Move-Functionality