Live Site:
Server Site:
TechTutorium is a MERN stack responsive web application for online learning platform.
- Signup: Users can create new accounts with unique email addresses and passwords.
- Login: Authenticate users with JWT and allow access to protected routes.
- OAuth Login: Allow users to log in using third-party services (e.g., Google, Facebook).
- Store the User in Mongodb database.
- View Profile: Display user's personal information, including name, email, and profile picture.
- Edit Profile: Allow users to update their personal information and change their passwords.
- JWT implementation : Secure all these api through JWT
- Profile Picture Upload: Users can upload and update their profile pictures.
- Create Items: Users can create new courses with detailed information.
- Read Items: Display a list of items created by the user or shared with the user.
- Update Items: Allow users to edit the details of their items.
- Delete Items: Users can delete items they have created.
- JWT implementation : Secure all these api through JWT
Search Functionality: Implement search features that allow users to find items.
Dashboard Overview: Provide a dashboard that gives an overview of data and activities.
Tools & Technology Used/Demonstrating knowledge in:
- React.js
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- CRUD operations
- JWT authentication
- Tailwind CSS
- DailyUI
- React-hook/React-firebase-hooks
- React-router-dom
- Firebase
- Vercel hosting
- Render hosting