We Care

Live Site: https://we-care-seven.vercel.app/
Server Site: https://we-care-server-w3we.onrender.com/


A web application providing mental health-related services like counseling and psychotherapy for a Mental Health Service provider agency.


  • Users can view all available services along with their details and book appointments for desired services.
  • Google sign-in option for easy appointment booking.
  • Authenticated users can share feedback.
  • User's appointment details are securely stored in a database for order records.
  • Users can have multiple appointments and view their appointed services in the dashboard.
  • Email contact option available for users to get in touch.


  • Authenticated admin can add new admins.
  • Admin can add, edit, and delete services.
  • Admin can view all appointments in the admin dashboard.

Skills Demonstrated

  • React: Used for building the frontend user interface.
  • React Router DOM: Implemented for client-side routing.
  • React Bootstrap: Utilized for UI components and layout.
  • Firebase Authentication: Integrated for user authentication and Google sign-in.
  • Axios: Employed for making HTTP requests to the server.
  • Node.js with Express: Used for building the backend server.
  • MongoDB: Utilized for storing appointment and service data.
  • Express Fileupload: Used for handling file uploads.
  • Dotenv: Employed for loading environment variables.
  • Cors: Utilized for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
  • Testing with Jest and React Testing Library: Implemented for unit and integration testing.
  • Vercel and Render: Utilized for hosting the frontend and backend applications.