The build system requires Maven 2 to be installed. Build: ====== Execute: mvn compile The class files are compiled in "target/classes/". Package to executable jar: ========================== Currently there are 5 executable modules: * server-rmi * server-xml * server-allcommunication * client-gui-swt * ai-experiments To make 1 executable jar with all dependencies, do mvn install , go to the respective directory and execute: mvn assembly:assembly The executable jar can be found in "target/*-jar-with-dependencies.jar". Test: ===== Execute: mvn test The class files are compiled in "target/test-classes/". Errors are reported in "target/surefire-reports/". Test with coverage: =================== Execute: mvn cobertura:cobertura The class files are compiled in "target/test-classes/". Errors are reported in "target/surefire-reports/". Coverage information is reported in "target/site/cobertura/index.html". Clean generated content: ======================== Execute: mvn clean