
Single player JavaScript game with Peter Griffin

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Background & Overview

Peter-s-hungry is a simple 1-player game. Food items are falling from the top and your job is to help Peter (Peter Griffin from the show Family Guy) to eat/catch the items and not miss on them. Eating an item brings you points, different items - different number of points. The game is over when Peter misses on 10 items.

Functionality & MVP

Within the game, users will be able to:

  • Start the game
  • Move Peter left or right
  • View their current score

In addition, this project will include:

  • Game rules & instructions
  • A production Readme


This app will consist of a single screen with the game Title, nav links to my Github and LinkedIn pages and game rules & instructions.

screen shot 2018-08-19 at 7 37 28 pm

Architecture and Technologies

This project will be implemented with the following technologies:

  • Vanilla JavaScript for overall structure and game logic
  • HTML5 Canvas for DOM manipulation and rendering
  • Webpack to bundle and serve up the various scripts

In addition to the webpack entry file, there will be four scripts involved in this project:

  • game.js: this script will handle the updating and rendering of the canvas elements.

  • circle.js: this script will handle the logic of the food-items elements of the game.

  • player.js: this script will handle the logic of Peter as an element of the game.

Implementation Timeline

Day 1:

Basic setup. This will include all necessary Node modules as well as getting webpack up and running. Create webpack.config.js, package.json and the file structure of the 4 scripts mentioned above. Review the basics of Canvas and get a general page layout setup.

  • Bundle with webpack
  • Review enough Canvas to have the basic layout of the game displayed

Day 2:

Build player.js and game.js. Create and render the hero of the game - Peter and be able to move left and right. Add a background to the game screen.

  • Complete player.js
  • Render the hero on the Canvas screen
  • Render the background image on the Canvas screen
  • Make sure the hero is able to move around left & right

Day 3:

Build circle.js. Add images for each of the various food items in the game.

  • Complete circle.js
  • Render the food items on the Canvas screen
  • Complete the logic for the food items and the interactions between the food and Peter

Day 4:

Install the controls for the user to interact with the game. Style the frontend, making it polished and professional. Add personal links (github and linkedin) and game rules & instructions

  • Create controls
  • Have a styled Canvas, nice looking controls and title
  • Add personal links
  • Add styling to game page

Bonus features

There are some additional features that could be added if extra time:

  • Add Peter's famous sounds & sayings
  • Add high scores in database

Future Features

In the near future I would like to make this game much more user friendly and entertaining with adding these features:

  • Add a few more characters for user to choose
  • Add options for different game difficulties
  • Add a few more levels to the game