Welcome to BartVenture!

Background and Overview

This is a Bart App targeted at tourists visiting the San Francisco Bay Area. A user can use the app to figure out where they can get to by Bart with a certain amount of money. In addition, users can look at the popular attractions near that Bart Station to better help them make up their mind where to explore. Logged in users can chat with each other while logged out users can view the chat only.

Functionality and MVP

  • Map that shows users how far they can get with their budget on Bart.
  • Markers within the map that shows public attractions, such as parks, museums, and stores
  • Users can get more specific information of a certain public attraction,such as background and images by clicking the corresponding marker within the map
  • User authenticationa# Welcome to BartVenture!

Background and Overview

This is a Bart App targeted at tourists visiting the San Francisco Bay Area. A user can use the app to figure out where they can get to by Bart with a certain amount of money. In addition, users can look at the popular attractions near that Bart Station to better help them make up their mind where to explore. Logged in users can chat with each other while logged out users can view the chat only.

Functionality and MVP

  • Map that shows users how far they can get with their budget on Bart.
  • Markers within the map that shows public attractions, such as parks, museums, and stores
  • Users can get more specific information of a certain public attraction,such as background and images by clicking the corresponding marker within the map
  • User authentication
  • Guest users are able to see live chat and logged in users are able to send messages to the live chat


  • Display weather within the map
  • Display free events within the map

Technologies and Technical Challenges

This application will be built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), AWS, and socket.io:

  • Backend: MongoDB/Express
    • User authentication to log users in for contributing to the live chat
    • Model for indexing of live chat feed
  • Frontend: React/Redux
    • React/Redux will be used to change the route information when users type in a different budget.
  • Socket.io
    • Websockets will be used to implement a real-time, multi-user chat service

Things Accomplished Over the Weekend

Over the weekend, out team spent most of the time learning the new technologies we are going to implement. Here is a list of all the activities we took during the weekend:

  • Watching tutorials and going over some readings on MERN Stack
  • Researched API and figured out the available data we will have
  • Discussing the whole project in details
  • Finishing the User Auth
  • Complete the project proposal

Group Members and Work Breakdown: Urosh, Jing, Lawrence, Peter

  • Phase 1 : Learn Technologies (Sat-Sun)

    • By the end of Phase 1, we will have * Understanding of MERN * Completed proposal
    • Phase 2: User Auth (Sun-Mon ): Jing and Urosh
      • By the end of Phase 2 , we will have
        • Functionality for users to enter budget to search for all available routes
        • Markers on public attractions within distance of a bart station
        • Highlight routes within the map that displays which station can the user end up in with their travel money
    • Phase 5: Public attractions Bar (Sat-Sun): * By the end of Phase 5, we will have: * Descriptions for each public attraction * A photo for each Bart stop
  • Guest users are able to see live chat and logged in users are able to send messages to the live chat


  • Display weather within the map
  • Display free events within the map

Technologies and Technical Challenges

This application will be built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), AWS, and socket.io:

  • Backend: MongoDB/Express
    • User authentication to log users in for contributing to the live chat
    • Model for indexing of live chat feed
  • Frontend: React/Redux
    • React/Redux will be used to change the route information when users type in a different budget.
  • Socket.io
    • Websockets will be used to implement a real-time, multi-user chat service

Things Accomplished Over the Weekend

Over the weekend, out team spent most of the time learning the new technologies we are going to implement. Here is a list of all the activities we took during the weekend:

  • Watching tutorials and going over some readings on MERN Stack
  • Researched API and figured out the available data we will have
  • Discussing the whole project in details
  • Finishing the User Auth
  • Complete the project proposal

Group Members and Work Breakdown: Urosh, Jing, Lawrence, Peter

  • Phase 1 : Learn Technologies (Sat-Sun)
    • By the end of Phase 1, we will have * Understanding of MERN * Completed proposal
    • Phase 2: User Auth (Sun-Mon ): Jing and Urosh
      • By the end of Phase 2 , we will have
        • Enable user to login and logout
        • Save the current user when page is refreshed
    • Phase 3: Live chat feed (Sun-Tues): Lawrence and Peter
      • By the end of Phase 3, we will have:
        • The ability for logged-in users to write in the chat feed.
        • The ability for all users to read the live chat
    • Phase4: Map and Budget Input (Wed-Fri): Everyone
      • By the end of Phase 4, we will have:
        • Functionality for users to enter budget to search for all available routes
        • Markers on public attractions within distance of a bart station
        • Highlight routes within the map that displays which station can the user end up in with their travel money
    • Phase 5: Public attractions Bar (Sat-Sun): * By the end of Phase 5, we will have: * Descriptions for each public attraction * A photo for each Bart stop

